Discussion: Report: Officers Injured In Baltimore Protests Over Death Of Freddie Gray

Discussion for article #235719

No dear…

Not outrageous

merely outraged.

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Approximately 10 days ago, Freddie Gray was brutally murdered with his spine broken and severed while in police custody: why didn’t here from same high ranking police official with same outrage and same indignation?


This is sad from every angle. You have a legit reason to protest due to the horrific death of Freddie Gray at the hands of cops who abuse their power daily and seemingly without consequences. You have the family of Freddie Gray showing so much class and grace in mourning, by calling for non-violence. Then you have these idiots who ignore the family’s request, and loot and make matters worse. The poor Gray family. My heart and thoughts are with them.


The answer is in the story:

“We will do whatever is appropriate to protect the safety of our police officers.”

That is what this is about. Protecting the safety of officers, whom this police department and many others around the country are sworn to serve and protect exclusively.


I know Dr. King called for peaceful,non-violent protests,but how long can people of color wait for the peaceful process to produce justice? I wanna be angry at the protesters,but I’ve never had to live with the risks they take every day just because of the color of their skin.

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The Baltimore PD union president called the justifiably angry protesters a “lynch mob.” He doesn’t have a clue.

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That’s exactly the problem. Training and doctrine based on the idea that any amount of force is justified to forestall the slightest risk of injury is what created this mess. Doubling down on it isn’t going to help.


Criminal opportunists strike again seizing upon a serious cause of protest to further their criminal agenda. The hypocrisy of some police and cop defenders is noted as we see their show of concern and outrage when cops are attacked, but police breaking the law themselves, lying and assaulting the public they’re sworn to protect is met with excuses. The bigger picture is to remember the cause to this unrest is decades of police abuse with zero accountability.

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That is the situation. These dumb punks who only care about themselves are attempting to sabotage a just cause which shows they’re not on the Gray’s side. Grays asked the community to honor the deceased on the day of his funeral by ceasing protests today of his funeral. The fact that they can’t accede such a simple request shows what side they’re on. It’s not Freddie Gray’s side.

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I understand your sentiment, however, i don’t think the cops will or can be like “hey, they’re just venting their frustration. They hurt 7 of our guys, but it’s all good!” Now, they have to retaliate, and that’s just going to escalate and escalate. It’s already a vicious cycle, it can’t be elevated under any circumstances. If you recall history, the way change happened with Dr. King in Selma was when the images of cops beating unarmed men and women on the Pettus bridge were televised for all the nation to see. It galvanized people of all walks of life to come down and support the march and Dr. King. When people see looting, and citizens attacking cops, the opposite occurs. The protesters lose public support, and set the cause back.

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They might just be afraid, yes, afraid, that they’ll be the next Freddie Gray.

No video for this murder? That means the cops who did it will get away with it.

And it will continue.

Totally disgusting. This kind of cop deserves no respect.

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We’ve seen lots of videos. Is it being galvanized?

How many more videos would be ENOUGH?

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And so we are back to where we were in the 1960s. Nonviolent protest generates popular support. Violent protest undoes it. I was hoping we would be past that by now.

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agreed. These cops are the biggest pieces of crap cowards. You had the kid in custody. Why the need for the beating? Because he what? sad something mean to one of the cops? Called him a name? Who knows? These cops need to get some thicker skin and stop being such fucking cry babies. They wield all the power. So it goes to their heads and this crap happens. The mayor needs to fire these cops, even if the union brings a law suit. She needs to make an example of them that this sort of BS won’t be tolerated.

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I’m confused, are you condoning the violence, Chelsea? I’m not sure what your point is. Please clarify.

I’m asking if seeing the many videos of the beatings/murders is galvanizing the country.

It should be. But after Ferguson and Cleveland and NYC and South Carolina and Michigan, et cetera, et cetera, these cops continue to believe they’re going to “get away with it.”

Galvanize the country? We seem to be galvanizing the police.


Oh, Ok, I see your point now. Well, I think the problem is, unlike Selma, which was ground zero back then. There is no ground zero here. It’s widespread. But I think we’ve seen change in Ferguson. Many people resigned. I think we saw in Parma, a black female mayor was elected, and 6 white cops, and white administrators resigned because their good ol’ boy network was broken up. Hopefully there will be laws mandating cops wear body cameras…or something…anything! So, it’s not exactly sweeping change, but it’s change none the less. But I understand your frustration and share in it.

What happened to that Cleveland policeman who killed, no, murdered the boy? Is he still on the force?

I’m not sure if he is or isn’t. Judging by your tone, he is. As I said, it’s not sweeping change…I said that earlier. It’s not going to be an overnight thing. But I’m hopeful that these piece of crap cops will get theirs someday. We don’t need outbursts of violence to help it along. that will only set it back.