Discussion: Report: NBA Will Yank All-Star Game From Charlotte Over Anti-LGBT Law

Wow, I didn’t think they’d actually do it… Good on the NBA. Who’s next?


Trying to persuade dug-in bigots to do the right thing through positive means is a waste of energy.
The only thing to do is to kick them in the nuts, as hard as possible, over and over and over. Good on the NBA for making this benighted governor and legislature feel pain. If nothing else, it makes an example for all to see.


Except maybe because the Tarheels will blame this on Silver’s being a Dukie, otherwise I say Amen, Hallelujah, and may it start the redemption of NC from its recent (again) fall under the pall of dark side.

Ditto. I’m a little sad that my expectations were ao low, and glad to be surprised for the better. If more businesses showed the occassional stint of social conscience, I think this country would be in a much better place.

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Don’t worry, bigots. You still have Chik Fil-A


Nothing but net.


Note to North Carolinians: Please complete the process by electing Roy Cooper as Governor and get rid of Gov. McCrory.

Thank you.


If you really want to get them where it hurts, pull out NASCAR.

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It was almost like the commissioner was kicking and screaming,it took him long enough.

Pending press release: The NBA hates religious freedom!

Any bets that the people running North Carolina don’t understand why the NBA is pulling the game?


Doesn’t surprise me. Adam Silver is a good man. He swung his hammer at Donald Sterling, now at NC. The man has a sound moral compass.


I notice they are moving the game to Louisiana. I think the state can rightfully credit that win to the voters’ decision to elect a Democratic governor.

The NBA couldn’t risk moving the game to a state where a GOP-run state government would create the same problem, but do it when it would be too late for a move.


Good luck with that. NASCAR fan demographics suggest that they’ll probably add races in NC.


This is exactly what conseratives are worried about, a lot of yanking in the wrong bathrooms!


They know, they just thought they could do it to get conserative votes in state and did it at night to try and sneak it in, so to speak. They probably drop it now saying they were forced to, but that they will try again in the next round so reelect us! A large percentage of their voters are fucked in the head enough to buy it.

I imagine there’s a whole lot of RW butthurt among GOPers in NC over this. I don’t think McCrory and his band of bigots thought the NBA would yank the game from Charlotte. Well, they know now. I’m expecting McCrory to issue a statement before the end of the day in which he will blame the MSM and Democrats for “misinterpreting” NC HB2. The problem for him is that NBA officials understood the real purpose of the law, which is why Charlotte will not be the 2017 host city.

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To all of those members of the NC electorate who voted these homophobic asshats into office, and who are now lamenting the potential economic impact of losing the All-Star game:
You reap what you sow.