I think they call them useful idiots.
I suppose it you’re out to plant a really nasty story about a political enemy, then plant a really mean one.
Don’t just have your target consorting with just any hooker while out of town, but with an underage girl. Getting the girl to swear she was the “victim” of the target is easy in place like Cuba or “little Cuba” in FL.
Then feed the story to friendly members of the media.
This is one of the oldest smears around. The fun, as LBJ knew, is in hearing the victim deny the story.
Tucker has always seemed like a weak hanger on to me. I bet he is not liked even among the low brow crowd he attempts to infiltrate. Tuckers cloying rot shows through.
Tucker Carlson in an overrated little twit.
It sounds like Menendez is the victim here, so I’m not sure what you’re blathering about.
Time to look at Cuba’s motives. Does someone in the Cuban government have a vested interest in maintaining the current state of conflict with the United States? Perhaps using the conflict to control the population through fear and poverty? If so, it might benefit them to have a Republican Senate.
go2GOP is a concern troll. Probably a Republican here to stir up dissent. We’ll see if s/he starts stumping for third party liberals.
You misspelled it! Should have been an “a”…
Smells to high heaven of Conservasmear.
I mean, what cute little teen girl would make the boom-boom with an old guy like that?..
From head to tail (as in a rotting fish) this “story” makes no sense. And it’s “resolution” makes even less sense (If possible)
Cuba has been working quietly on change, especially with the United States.
Why would they give themselves a HUGE “black eye” by trying to get hooks into the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee?
If you are trying to talk your way out of a fight, the last thing you do is start throwing punches.
And then, there is the “resolution.”
Practically within hours “US Intelligence” (if we had any, that would be “News.”) admits that it was a foreign intelligence operation (which gives “US Counter Intelligence” a “Black Eye”) AND “US Intelligence” publicly sources that operation to a specific Foreign Nation.
Usually, something like this is “back channeled” and kept like an extra “ace” up the sleeve" in the silent poker game of Foreign Relations, where you almost always know darn well what other cards the other guy is holding. Someday, when we want something or someone out of Cuba or anyone else, we go to them QUIETLY and say “Do this for us, and we will forget about what you tried to do to a powerful Senator.” This is the way that “understandings” are arrived at.
If we had an “Ace” like this, and someone blew it, that’s another “Black eye” for someone. As in clean out your desk, your career just crashed.
And then, there is the “target” of this amateur night theater.
Do you think that a powerful Senator just lets things like this blindside him? Not unless he’s a doddering fool, which Menendez is not, whatever he or anyone else believes. Then, as if by magic, information "appears that “saves” the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Is this “story” “fishy” enough for anyone with a higher than double digit IQ yet? It is all too stupid all around, and far too pat.
It doesn’t pass the smell test at any point, from anybody on any side of it. and yet, here we are. In short, I don’t believe a bloody word of it. Even in today’s world, to steal a line out of a Warner Brothers Cartoon (which was a lot better done) “It just don’t add up!”
“The Washington Post’s report that the CIA has concluded a foreign intelligence service sought to manipulate U.S. policy by spreading false rumors to the FBI and to media outlets is extremely disturbing,” Menendez communications director Tricia Enright told TPM in an email. “We hope the Department of Justice and other appropriate federal agencies will investigate this matter aggressively and hold anyone involved fully accountable.”
Oh! You’re talking about Cuba!
The Daily Caller’s editor-in-chief, Tucker Carlson, told the Post it would be difficult to verify whether a story written by one of his reporters actually originated with the Castro regime.
Not difficult, Tucker, just responsible journalism. But I appreciate your particular circumstance.
@halfbaked…possibly not exactly relevant to the article, but I can’t hear the name Menendez without recalling his attempt to sabotage our negotiations with Iran on their nuclear program. Add that to the run-of-the-mill, corruption he is engaged in (political favors to contributors) and Menendez is as corrupt as a Republican.
They knew that; but apparently the Cuban government has some standards.
After all these matters are finally put to rest, I would like to request of New Jersey Democrats to remove Menendez from any position of power once and for all. This man is as corrupt as any Republican and I can not hear his name without remembering his attempts to sabotage the nuclear deal we negotiated with Iran. This man should be thrown out of office…it’s just sad that the closest we came to it was from a fake hooker story out of Havana.
Thanks to you and sherlock1, I had to look the word up. My knowledge is now gratefully embiggened.
Sheldon Adelson and associates are already on it!
So the Fright-Wing™ actually end up being the cliched “useful idiots” for the commies.
Well done conservatives. (golf clap)
“We never paid anyone in connection to the fraudulent story… we stiffed them.”
I like the word “dupe”.
That was a classic cold-war era label for anyone tricked into doing the bidding of the godless communists or anyone the right wanted to hint was dong the bidding of the godless communists.