Discussion for article #224658
“Frankly, it’s a publicity stunt, an attempt to help him to retire his campaign debt,” Russell said of McDaniel.
The grift is strong with this one… He’s VEEP material.
Cash money says the MS GOTP rejects his protest with minimal debate.
Please, McD, please - keep going with this. All the way to October, at least.
Almost seems as if Cochran has even forgotten about Childers. I know that Sen. Childers will be very grateful.
(I almost never jump on this bandwagon but — Please proceed Senator and nutjob).
I don’t know, depends on my many True Believers there are versus how many “Out of the way, dumbass” Barbours there are in their management.
I honestly hope this is an indication that the teahadists will take their ball and stay home in Nov.
I’m betting none. He was certain he was going to win. Teabaggers don’t prepare for failure. Or success.
Boy, I am totally there as well.
In addition, look at it like this: It’s now July. Cochran has the remainder of this month, August , Sept., and Oct. to make his case against Childers. But with McD being a dick like this only causes Cochran to continue making his case against McD, allowing Childers to campaign somewhat easily.
Unless Cochran is so cocksure that he’ll trounce Childers in Nov. that he can afford to lose time like this.
As you said, if the teabaggers are really that resentful, they’ll hopefully. depress turnout.
Request DENIED!!! Next.
I ignore lots of media but so far I have seen ZERO anything for Childers. Not a single yard sign,
Pass the popcorn, this oughtta be good!
Fundamental premise:
Minority voters would not normally vote in a GOP primary
If you would not normally vote in a GOP primary then it should be illegal when you do … 'cause you must be up to something.
Thus Minority votes = illegal votes … and do not count
OMG, you’ve solved DeLay’s Permanent Republican Majority Unsolved Theorum.
I received an exclusive copy of McDaniel’s “Notice of Intent to Challenge”: It reads in part, “Ah heahby would lahk to protest the fraud puhpetrated on the hono’ of the good people of Misssippi ba allowing neegras to vote at whaht polling places. Yours truly, Whaht Citisuns Council Grand Dragon Chris McDaniel.”
Long Pig…It’s What’s For Republican Dinner™.
I suspect if it begins to look like he’s damaging Cochran, then McDaniel will be visited by some off-duty members of Mississippi’s Finest and the situation explained to him.
Barbour’s known for being nasty and vindictive.
Frankly, the idea of Chris McDaniel running as candidate for Ms Senator would have been enticing. The fact is the more the GOTP selects these fucktard whack jobs as the candidates they more they reveal their contempt for the American people and the ills that are working their way through our system. America is fast becoming an authoritarian state built on the laissez faire capitalist Ayn Randian movement.
What we have here is a failure to communicate, the more that the GOTP select these kind of fucktards, the more that it will show just how little the Republican Party wants to govern and would shut down the government for the purpose of bankrupting this nation and its people.
Isn’t there some way to wind up the Rubes without involving the rest of us? Can’t they just get a room?
“Frankly, it’s a publicity stunt, an attempt to help him to retire his campaign debt,” Russell said of McDaniel.
Ah, crap. I was afraid there was a good reason for this. Besides, you know, a genuine urge to burn the party down if he can’t be the nominee.
He should use George Zimmerman’s lawyer who’s going to win millions of dollars in his suit against NBC. Oh wait…nevermind.
I’m officially announcing my intent to laugh my ass off at this Teastool.