Discussion: Report: Kavanaugh And Accuser Will Testify To Judiciary Committee Monday

Anyone can pass one with some training, and most sociopaths can pass them in their sleep.


I think you are spot on.

Times have changed and (finally!) old, white, entitled, Republican men are starting to be seen for the desperate, hypocritical liars they are. There are many signs that this woman is more than credible. And, in contrast, Kavanaugh has been caught lying more than once. Who to believe? The MeToo movement has the odds on her side. So be it, ffs.

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Prediction: Collins, Murkowski, and Flake will vote for Kavanaugh – by 2 out of 3 at least, with the possible dissension, if it occurs, being pure theatre. And every other R senator will vote for Kavanaugh.

It is obvious. Kavanaugh had already proven him self to be, currently, a sly asshole, and every R senator has the requisite profound cynicism to just get on with the swearing-in already, with a little useful bogus theatre en route. Why stop now?

And because the lady has that paper trail even if legally not 100%, that still ought to be better than a drunken memory that has become … absolutely never cuz I never met her and she was three states away at the time. Either the ‘party’ happened or it didn’t. And if any of the others involved say it did then he is caught in a lie worthy of trump.

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There is one organization which presents complete, comprehensive, and honest information - the Unitarian-Universalist churches, who run a program called OWL (Our Whole Lives). In that program, always presented by married church members who have been trained in the material, complete information is presented. It is open to any adolescent regardless of whether they are members of the church or not. It’s got all the information - you put a condom on a banana, they present information about LGBTQ, hetero sex, all that stuff.

I’m a UU - its a good program. All my kids went through it. UCC (United Church of Christ or Unitarians Considering Christ) also use the OWL program.

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There is plenty to explore in the culture at the all-boys Georgetown Preparatory School in that period and how Kavanaugh participated in drinking culture to the point of losing consciousness and memory. In contrast, much of what Christine Blasey Ford can offer is already on the record, equivalent with “I was crossing the intersection on a green light and got t-boned by this guy.” Not much prelude.

Kavanaugh seems to be an opportunistic impulse rapist. Orrin Hatch’s argument that we should consider all the women he didn’t rape probably won’t fly because, as an opportunistic impulse rapist, Kavanaugh needed to be in a situation where the possibility to rape presented itself and he was in the mood. As an adult, he may have learned to channel his dangerous impulses elsewhere such as a gambling and avoid opportunity-rich environments (although not in his early years at Yale yet). There is a red line in any society that defines the outer limits of tolerated youthful indiscretion and sexual awkwardness, beyond which is only felonious unconscionable behavior. The forceable muffling of Ford’s screams and attempts to drown them out suggests strongly an intent to proceed with the rape.

Kavanaugh will be finished before then.


“Her credibility” - why would any woman come forward exposing her identity, knowing that the Republicans would put her through the wringer, if she were just making stuff up?


And Prof. Ford’s shrink or family therapist or whoever it was she discussed this with, as further corroboration that it occurred and was traumatizing to her. And her husband.



Surely Trump can find somebody from that list the Feudalist Society gave him who doesn’t have such skeletons in her closet.

They can coach him all they want but 6 days is not enough to learn the craft of acting, never mind how to lie convincingly. He’ll bomb.

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The GOP and Feudalist Society have been grooming this guy for the Supreme Court pretty much since he first set foot in New Haven. I’m sure that by now they feel he’s entitled to it, probably him too.

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I wanted to rebut that with “high-tech White House orchestrated gang rape” but I didn’t have the means to communicate with the Senate at the time.

Corker is looking for a comfy place at the trough after he leaves the club.

It’s true, when I entered high school at 15 (grades 10-12) the senior “boys” looked like men to me – an alien race. I literally thought that we were not even in the same category and they seemed scary.

Very powerful story here; it’s not as much that Kav was a drunk ass wanna-be-rapist in HS, it’s how he comported himself afterwards. No remorse, no apologies, no empathy, just denial. Speaks volumes about his character,


But if Ford’s story is true, Brett Kavanaugh never apologized. He never tried to make amends, never took responsibility for what he did. In my case, the near-rape—as awful as it was at the time and in its immediate aftermath—didn’t cause any lasting damage. But by Ford’s account, Kavanaugh’s acts did cause lasting damage, and he has done nothing at all to try to make that right. And that is why the mistake of a 17-year-old kid still matters.

I Believe Her. When I was in high school, I faced my own Brett Kavanaugh.

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People should think of Kavanaugh as being the same type as Fox News Tucker Carlson. They both went to private boarding schools with a long history of under aged drinking and sexual assaults of female students by the boys and even by several male staff members.

Kavanaugh is as much of a Republican white nationalist political operative as Tucker Carlson. These white private boarding schools are breeding grounds for Republican white nationalists…which is exactly what Kavanaugh is.

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Kavanaugh’s demeanor at the hearings suggests he is not that kind of psychopath.

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There were four guys and one girl there: this was planned.

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