Discussion: Report: Ivanka Trump Wrote Unused 'Clarification' On 'Rapist' Mexicans Comment

From a woman who finds him unattractive, I’ll say this. He was attractive when he was younger, he was thinner, but he’s always been rich and was a regular feature of NY nightlife and wherever Playboy mansions were.

Trump appears unaware that something like 80+% of the Phillipino population are Catholics…

You’re too kind. If you had just stopped after the first three words it would have summed him up. Yes, they are staunch Catholics. They are also the people you find working in hospitals and in nursing homes and doing the work many others don’t want to do but which is essential.

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Good. I hope they show off their “trophies” to their drooling fans when they get back.

There could be a natural chemical imbalance to explain his sleep patterns.
Perhaps his body produces too much androgen.

I see androgen and testosterone are similar, so I’d say that’s about right. Plus the meth will make one sleepless.

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His skin must have the overly touched feel and germ count of worn plastic seating at a bus depot…
But, I always feel sorry for the kids of famous people. Kids, period, likely all of us, had rough childhoods. But, kids of celebrities, local or national or global can have it particularly, dehumanizingly tough.

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Could be a case of 'roid rage. Like the ‘Pump for Trump’ movement. He’s not well.

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trump outsourced the care and raising of all his children to their mothers, so it’s not surprising that the older sons are privileged, self important, self absorbed, insensitive, arrogant snots, and chances are Little B is heading down the same.

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This case with Jose Andres is at the nexus between “Trump” the brand and “Trump” the candidate. Trump as a brand is still a lingering asset, as shown by the number of times it appears on high-end buildings. Often, Trump’s name appears under a licensing agreement, with Trump himself owning little or nothing of the building. As in any licensing agreement, the representative of the Brand Name (in this case Trump) agrees to not damage the value of the Brand.

The Andres case alleges that Trump did indeed damage the value of the Brand through racist and ethnic slurs, and that Andres would thus be unfairly damaged by association. Now, having Ivanka admit that even she, Trump’s own daughter, saw Trump’s comments as a problem… well, that seems to help Andres’ case strongly.

Further, it calls into question the value of ALL of those huge Trump names slathered on buildings. Would one want the names of “David Duke” or “George Wallace” or some other hate-monger on a high end apartment building in NYC? Would a corporation want to be hounded by its shareholders about a Trump name on its office building? This is the same man who rants against every ethnicity he can think of, and who advocates the assassination of the President.

And if Trump’s cushy licensing world begins to collapse; if there are no more “Trump Buildings” or casinos or hotels…well what does he actually have? I guess just a lot of debt owed to some sleazy Russian oligarchs. Good luck with the refinancing fast-talk in that case.

You sure their moms did the raising? What about nannies? I’m willing to entertain the thought that diapers, lap time and early reading sessions were the purview of the hired nannies. Mommy was around for the photo op when needed. I just can’t imagine Ivana, Marla or Melania changing poopy diapers. I just can’t. And Donnie doing daddy duties? Yeah, right. A legal non-disclosure agreement from the kids as soon as a hand could be held to make their mark is more like the truth…

Yes, nannies most of the time, not actual mommies. When Mrs. T the Fourth was asked about help with little B she downplayed it. And “raising” in this context is the opposite of donald’s hands off approach to child rearing.

“I don’t have a nanny,” she told Bazaar. “I have a chef, and I have my assistant, and that’s it. I do it myself.” (“Yes, there is a young woman, someone who works with Barron,” Donald admitted to the Post.)

“Ah so”… as the Japanese say. Two employees…and she still can say she does it herself?
When raising yongun’s we, as most folks I know, had “assistants” (occasionally) but they were family members or friends, not paid employees.
God…maybe I am waaay too critical here and picking on minutiae. Parenting was near and dear to us at chez darr. Casey, or son, wasn’t passed off to an assistant nor has our grandson Conor been.

I am certain that the bungling trump has displayed in this “run to be President” will be following him for the rest of his time on this planet. His income flow will diminish tho not stop. And it will still be more than the rest of us will ever see. But he will have lost to a girl. In his mind the worst kind of loss…an ego damaging one. I would say …not meaning to take too much enjoyment in his self caused pain… he did it to himself. I am glad, on one level, that Hillary will win. On a separate level it will have been the American voter speaking to trump.

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Keeping it in the family,

Do as you say Donald, take HER ieth you.


Fuck you Ivanka! Oops, I forgot… that’s what daddy wants to do.

He is on the “natch”. believe it or not.

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I saw a bumper sticker on (of course) a big honking redneck truck that said “Hillary 4 Prison, 2016”.

I think we should start a petition for Pope Francis to canonize Hillary, declare her a saint for her work with children over the years. Pop a few conservative Catholic aneurisms.

Our Filipino friends could help out : - )

We could print up bumper stickers “Hillary 4 sainthood”.

Dear Ivanka:

You have bigger problems than your father saying shit. Starting with how he touches you. Run. Keep on running.

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Are you the Zodiac?

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