Discussion: Report: Investors Of Kushner-Linked Projects Subpoenaed

Chickens, come home to roost.


All kinds of good things happen when your father-in-law becomes president. So much winning.


Silly IRS. They still haven’t learned that only the little people pay taxes so the job creators can do their patriotic duty to MAGA. That defense and a presidential pardon will keep Jared out of Club Fed.


““Kushner Cos. is not under investigation for any tax issues. It has had no contact with anyone at the IRS or Justice Department Tax Division,” Harder’s statement said. “It has received no subpoenas or audit requests about its taxes. It is not in tax court on any audits. If there is an investigation about others’ taxes, it has nothing to do with Kushner Cos. or its businesses.”


“Sleazy amoral criminal thugs.” MAGA!!!


Do folks that give money to Trump, Kushner, and folks with reputations like they have really expect that they will be the investors that finally don’t get screwed over?


You’re too kind.

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I actually find the company’s denial pretty plausible. If there were any way whatsoever for Trump to use his office to put the kibosh on anyone’s tax problems, Kushner is where he’d start (after himself, of course).

That said, if we’ve learned anything in the past year, it’s that federal criminal investigators do not always have the common courtesy to give you advance warning of all the steps they’ll take to catch you committing a crime. Very rude.


“Kushner Cos. is not under investigation for any tax issues. It has had no contact with anyone at the IRS or Justice Department Tax Division.”

If they’re subpoenaing everyone who does business with you, but haven’t talked to you, that’s a good sign that you are, in fact, under investigation.


Money laundering and tax evasion. For foreign investors, there’s the whole buying-a-visa thing, where you don’t really care whether the project gets built because the important thing is getting yourself and the rest of your money a safe bolthole in the US. For domestic investors, there are the obvious questions about how much of the investment gets kicked back to investor-owned entities, how much investment has to be made versus the amounts reported, and of course what losses get reported versus the amount of money actually at risk.

(I can think offhand – although it would take someone smarter and more dishonest to figure out the details – that you could structure a project where someone puts in money that generates paper gains which get credited as additional investment, and then before paying out the project experiences huge losses. Without the paper gains only a fraction of the losses would be deductible. So for putting in, say, $100K in real money, you get $500K in losses that you can use to shelter other income. The IRS is wise to this kind of thing, but unraveling it takes a lot of resources. Which is why the continual pushes to reduce IRS funding.)


Poor Jared, he’s gonna have problems getting investors and funding for his $1.2bn loan coming due shortly. He seems to be turning radioactive…

Is it wrong of me to laugh here??? :laughing:


I know how hard (oh geeze) for Harder to write that statement, but to throw all of those investors under the bus and then state that his client wasn’t in any trouble with the IRS…geez, he didn’t think this one through.


Money laundering and tax evasion. For foreign investors, there’s the whole buying-a-visa thing, where you don’t really care whether the project gets built because the important thing is getting yourself and the rest of your money a safe bolthole in the US.

It is as simple as that and was the driving force originally behind Russia’s recent involvement in all things American. Laughed at how convoluted the whole thing can get when reading about Trump pocketing a 50 million profit when selling a Florida estate he owned to a Russian oligarch for 100 million a few years after he bought it (forget the details) when it was valued at only 50 million. I bet the 50 mill profit was reinvested back into say another of the owner oligarch’s investments - with the money staying right here, safely deposited in the U.S. of A. And possibly even moved around from one Trump shell company to another. And you’re right, if the IRS is continually defunded, who’s gonna track it down. And even if they do, then what? And Trump has probably been doing this for decades.




The key word is “others”, the “others” who were subpoenaed.


Apparently the answer is yes - go figure.

I can also tell you for certain what “shadowy” investors of any ilk definitely do not like: a subpoena from the feds (or really, anyone)…

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Laughing at Kushnerd is encouraged actually.

Ruh roh. It’s time to play Kushner Companies Jenga.


“Is it wrong of me to laugh here??? :laughing:


It would be a shame to miss the opportunity.

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