At least Jim Webb has a political soul. Hillary conducts nightly polling and focus groups to decide what outfit she’ll wear the next day.
Is there a scarier endorsement out there? Maybe Cheney will endorse her foreign policy next.
Here we go. The emoprog’s search for the perfect candidate. That does not exist. Eliz. Warren would be crushed. Nobody has the credentials and depth of Mrs. Clinton and she does her homework. Not to mention, she is married to one of the most popular presidents in U.S. history.
Credentials and depth?
Hillary has been in the spotlight for 25 years. Please list her accomplishments for us.
Or just two…
This report is either false or incomplete. Absent a status of forces agreement, our troops would have been subject to Iraqi law. There is no way that Hillary or President Obama or anyone else would leave US troops in Iraq under that reality.
I sympathize with wanted to be out of Iraq, I’m right there with you, but your statement that “another 1000 troops would probably be dead” proves that you never really were paying any attention to the casualty numbers to begin with. In 2010, 60 American’s were killed, and in 2011 54 were killed. Source:
Hillary Clinton’s boss had the final say in negotiating for a long term troop presence. Obama was fully on board.
If you want to support–or not support–an issue or candidate, do it with the facts.
Got you at emoprog, eh?
Considering I’m a conservative Democrat, who believes Republicans make a point or two on issues, you’re wrong.
Now, getting back on topic, please list TWO accomplishments of Hillary’s over her 25 years in the spotlight?
Just two. I don’t expect a coherent response.
Of course the perfect candidate does not exist and this has nothing to with emprogs searching for one. But Hillary has always been a neocon of foreign policy and that is just a fact.
To: Whateverdude,
Hillary Clinton made great accomplishments as US Senator and she was a very good Secretary of State.
Your implication that she has been in a position to write laws for 25 years is wrong … flat out WRONG.
Hillary and Bill back in the the White House will have Wall Street and Israel partying like its 1999. Our oligarchy will never be reversed and be further reinforced with those two back in the White House This is the Clinton attitude on our outrage at bankers getting away with looting and trashing our economy:
“You could take Lloyd Blankfein into a dark alley,” Clinton said, “and slit his throat, and it would satisfy them for about two days. Then the blood lust would rise again.”
Reading is fundamental.
“Hillary Clinton made great accomplishments as US Senator”
What were her accomplishments as Senator? The only stuff of hers that passed were renaming of post offices.
Fill me in on the rest of her legislative accomplishments? Iraq war vote?
Distressingly, it seems that too many posters on this thread have that problem as well.
You still there? You’re attempting to make the case for Hillary Clinton without actually making a case for Hillary Clinton.
Please tell us why we should vote for her? What exec capabilities has she shown that gives us an idea of how effective she’ll be?
All I know is she set-back the health care effort for 20 years with her horrible antics during the health care fight during the Clinton administration.
In case you aren’t familiar, Hillary wouldn’t include ANY Democrats on the crafting of Hillarycare, then released it to the Dems, and told them that they better go along, or else she would “demonize” any dems that criticized it.
Remember, it was DEMOCRATS that killed Hillarycare – not Repubs. They didn’t even want to vote on it, because Hillary had turned them off.
Has she changed?
I don’t particularly like that position either, but are you going to categorically support someone else in the primary without even having a glimmer of knowledge of who you would be supporting?
Same can be said of Hillary supporters.
I’ve yet to see anyone make a convincing case for her (other than electability).
At this point I am supporting no one. We have a very important election this year that I am more concerned about. I will start to actually worry or think about 2016 and who I will or will not support starting in 2015. But as of this moment I am NOT ready for Hillary.
If we would have stayed there, we would have been even more tied to the corrupt, corrosive, dictatorial and divisive Maliki regime. Moreover, the troop levels that would have ever been left would have done little to prevent ISIS and their disgruntled Sunni allies from their march through the country. The only reason this news is being pushed is to insulate HRC from criticism from the neocon undead. Her triangulation is reflexive and obvious.
As long as we stayed there, we would have been stuck protecting/aiding the regime in power. And even if that weren’t the case, it would have been the perception by the Sunnis.
Isn’t that one of al Qaeda’s main gripes: we protect these awful regimes in the region? And what is to be gained by 1,000 troops? Are we expecting 1K troops to prevent an inevitable civil war? I mean, come on.