Discussion: Report: Hillary Pushed For 'Long-Term Troop Presence' In Iraq

Discussion for article #224109

See, right there. Another reason I have doubts about supporting Hillary. The same reason I abandoned her campaign back in 2008 for Obama.


In 2011 President Obama was pushing to leave more troops in Iraq too ā€¦ hence Obamaā€™s effort to get Maliki to sign a new Status of Force agreement to allow for such.


This is Daily Beastā€™s way of trying to ā€˜createā€™ news where there is no news.

ā€¦ and sadly ā€¦ this is also Dylan Scottā€™s (of TPM) way of LETTING Daily Beast create news where there is NO NEWS.


THIS. Watch her book tour. Whenever I start to warm up to the idea of her being president, something always snaps me back to reality. She is by nature a hawk. What will happen if the Rand Paul wing of the GOP ascends and we are stuck defending a nominee who will likely get us into another war? This issue is why Obama won over her. She hasnā€™t changed ā€“ and sheā€™s never apologized. It was ā€œbad intelligence.ā€ Yes ā€“ bad intelligence accepted because it fit with her own belief system. Terri Gross revealed a fundamental truth about Hillary. Her words are so parsed as to be stripped of any truth. The truth is to be found in what she DOES NOT SAY.

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Who do you feel is a viable candidate instead of Hillary?


dems need to get their shit together and start canvassing for another candidate. hillary clinton is not going to be president.

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I have never been one of the Clinton haters, but this worries me. It was a mistake to go into Iraq in the first place, and after over 8 years there, they wanted us completely out. We should not stay in a country that we never should have invaded and where the new government does not want us there. Any issues that come up after we leave are theirs to deal with. Iā€™m not against lending some sort of support, but we should not get too involved. The reason we have so many enemies around the world and particularly in the Middle East is because we get too involved in places we do not belong and do not fully understand. If Hillary does not understand that, then I will be voting for someone else in the primary.

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I think Elizabeth Warren could win it in a walk if sheā€™d just run. Iā€™m keeping my options open and my eye on Martin Oā€™Malley.


Ahh the ā€œUnnamed (D) or Ā®ā€ person that crops up in polls. Iā€™m not a huge fan of Hillaryā€™s either, but she is infinitely more preferable to any Republican out there.


Enthusiasm, or the lack thereof, is irrelevant to how we should act. Weā€™re way past the point where sitting one out because we donā€™t feel it is an option.

Thatā€™s the conclusion I came to months ago, anyway.

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I would add that sheā€™s preferable to Rand Paul even on foreign policy. We canā€™t just disengage from the rest of the world. That would be more dangerous than starting wars of choice in the Middle East.


Elizabeth Warren, a fine woman, who has said repeatedly that she will not run. Sorry, but that door is closed, and you might want to start dreaming another dream, and some would say, ā€œthat dog wonā€™t huntā€.

Please, also, recall that Obama, himself, wanted to keep a number of troops in Iraq, and Iraq refused to agree. This is not a real issue. It is Iraq that failed to protect itself, not Obama or Clinton.

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Imagine if we would have stayed there. Another 1000 troops would probably be dead now. The civil war never stopped even when we had thousands of combat troops in Iraq. It would have been dribble, dribble every day on soldiers dying from street bombs or Iraq soldiers pretending to be good guys. The government of Iraq is corrupt and us being there would not have changed that. I am glad that we got out of that country because we are not the sitting ducks anymore. I am having very big doubts of supporting Hillary Clinton now knowing this. I hope she now understands that getting out of Iraq was the best thing the US ever did. Saying this if she is our nominee I will support her because she is way better than any republican.

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You are correct!

SO MANY PEOPLE, (even Obama supporters and HIllary haters), have such faulty memories for the facts of just 3-4 years ago.

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Why is everyone so thrilled with Hillary? Sheā€™s an awful politician and candidate. Awful.

What are her legislative accomplishments? 2 of the 3 pieces of legislation that she authored that passed were renaming of post offices. The 3rd was just as meaninglessā€¦

As an executive, all we really have to go off of was how she ran her 2007-08 campaign (which was a friggin disaster) and the State Dept (in which she was ā€˜mehā€™)ā€¦

And now, assuming she wonā€™t face any competition in the Dem primary, sheā€™s already moving to the center by adopting more NeoCon positions. Either that, or she truly is a Neocon. F/uck us all!!!

Come on, Dems. We can do better than her.

Since the author of this piece, Dylan Scott & the author at Daily Beast, Josh Rogin, FAILS history, I am copy pasting a 2011 article showing Obama ā€¦ OBAMA ā€¦ was trying to negotiate a new status of force agreement with Maliki but Maliki - who was head of a SOVEREIGN country - said no, just as Maliki had said NO to GW Bush.

October 2011:

"In recent months, Washington has been discussing with Iraqi leaders the possibility of several thousand American troops remaining to continue training Iraqi security forces. A Pentagon spokesman said Saturday that no final decision has been reached about the U.S. training relationship with the Iraqi government.

"Throughout the discussions, Iraqi leaders have adamantly refused to give U.S. troops immunity from prosecution in Iraqi courts, and the Americans have refused to stay without it. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has told U.S. military officials that he does not have the votes in parliament to provide immunity to the American trainers, the U.S. military official said.

A White House spokesman, Tommy Vietor, said discussions with Iraq about the security relationship between the two countries next year were ongoing."

====end of copy of Oct 2011 article

Gee whiz ā€¦ Dylan Scott of TPM and Josh Rogin of Daily Beast are total FAILURES of factural history


what about jim webbā€¦ heā€™s been making the book tour rounds, but absolutely little to no coverage. although he was on colbert a couple of weeks agoā€¦

Jim Webb is far too republican for me.


Oā€™Malley has essentially self destructed. Warren has taken herself out of the running, and honestly, I think she does need some more time in the Senate before moving on to higher aspirations.

And while I donā€™t disagree that Warren could easily win the Dem nominationā€¦I am not as convinced that she could walk away with a victory in the general. She had a hard time defeating Brown in MAā€¦one of the most liberal states in the country.

I love her on policy, but she hasnā€™t struck me as a particularly effective campaigner. Which sadly, is often the case. ā€œWonkeneseā€ doesnā€™t translate well into campaign rhetoric.


This is why I wonā€™t support her primary bid. I just donā€™t like her neocon positions on foreign policy. Yes I will vote for her if nominated, but not going to push for the nomination. Even the neocons thinks she is a neocon.

ā€œI feel comfortable with [Hillary Clinton] on foreign policy. If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue, itā€™s something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else,ā€ ā€“ Robert Kagan, unrepentant architect of the catastrophe in Iraq, and unreconstructed neocon, on the potential to revive neoconservative global aggression under president Hillary Clinton.
