Will the room have a VCR? No reason.
And the labrador
Thank Dog Tillerson will be there.
Otherwise, Trumpski would give away the store, and tell Vladdy to take back Alaska.
Meeting agenda:
(1) Russian economic and (geo)political interests.
(2) Trump organization’s interests.
(3) Exxon Mobil’s interests.
Yep, something is conspicuously missing…
Fiona Hill haz a sad.
“If she [Hill] wasn’t there it would be pretty bad, this is the most momentous thing in her portfolio,” said former Pentagon Russia policy chief Evelyn Farkas, who added that the only valid reason not to include Hill would be to make room for McMaster in a room with limited space.
Six, plus the ghost of Mike Flynn.
"There will likely only be a half-dozen people in the room … "
He wants as few people as possible to witness the stroking.
What happened to the Secretary of Everything? He’s a little too busy hob-nobbing in The Hamptons?
they never learn
Trump, Tillerson, Putin and Lavrov – The Kakistocracy Quartet.
Did they leave off RT? Sputnik? How about the number of people who will be listening in? No doubt the room will be bugged for both audio and video.
And I take no comfort in knowing that RExxon will be in the room.
Yeah, I guess Tillerson will make sure that at least Exxon-Mobil gets its taste of the action.
Trump: “if Spicer can miss the pope, then she can miss an opportunity to nag Putin.”
Would that include Palin and clan? Cuz, yeah….
Don’t worry
Like that first time in St. Petersburg, the Russians will leak first.
Of Course!!
That’s one of the reasons for the meeting in the first place.
I’m guessing the one thing they might have learned from that meeting – where a note-taker took down Trump’s comments about how he had “taken off” the “great pressure” that was on him in the Russia investigation by firing “nut-job” Comey – is not to have any note-takers in the room.
N i repeat, the Russians will again leak first.
That’s my thought too.
This is Putin’s game on Putin’s rule book. My bet is they will secure their loots, and then selectively leak what makes Trump look bad.