Discussion: Report: Fox News' Pete Hegseth Lobbied Trump To Pardon Accused War Criminals

So…just to make clear…what Trump is hooting about is the threat of burying Muslims with pigs…yeah…as in “hahahaha, your religion doesn’t let you eat pork so we’re going to desecrate your corpse with it to prevent you from getting to heaven.” Trump’s already been caught lying about this guy anyway, saying he executed Muslims in the Phillipines. He didn’t.


The Hitler method… Tell everyone in advance what you’re going to do, then go and do it.



Religious evangelicals are clearly in the drivers seat in this administration.

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Speaking if UCMJ has any news organization had their reporter dogging Sen. Graham’s heels over this?

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Stated more clearly, our Commander-in-Chief countenances war crimes, and as we see on our Southern Border every day, he also orders crimes against humanity.


killing a Terrorist bomb maker while overseas.

They are not human beings, they are “Sand Ni(CLANG!)s” and thus not “entitled” to the same treatment as White, Christian Prisoners of War.

That is their attitude, and it gets US soldiers killed.

Trump will OF COURSE Pardon these Murderers because his Trumpanzies will hoot and fling their shit, and eat it up.

Remember: EVERYTHING TRUMP DOES is to shore up his “Base” of racists, misogynists, and Evangelical Dominionists and they see “The Other” as not worthy of treatment under the Geneva Convention, or even Uniform Military Law.

You know, just like the Nazis talked and treated anyone who was not a Pure Aryan.


What is the point of Trump having cabinet members if he takes advice from everyone but them.


I don watch Fox. Who is this guy?

But Keith Olbermann donated money to Dem candidates!

@eglot beat me to it. And I was congratulating myself that no one else would remember the obscure 9-year old event. This board, I swear.


No other is more highly qualified than to decide who is or who is not a U.S. military hero than Trumpet mouth.


Traditionally the Justice Dept. asked the president to issue pardons. What moron’s doing is just the reverse.


Perhaps he’ll pardon Henry Wirz. That’ll give the base in old Dixie some owning-the-libs giggles.

Word on the street was that Tom Brokaw and Chris Matthews lobbied hard against Kieth. Gave me one more reason to despise those two insufferable gits.


Wow, that’s pulling out some history!


And this, Pete and Bernie, IS WHY YOU DON’T GO ON FUCKING FOX!

Even war criminals of yore think he’s gone too far.


He does not care. He referred to a murderer as a hero -Golsteyn. Gallagher -who his fellow Seals referred to as a mass murderer-was moved to more comfortable digs and will likely be granted a pardon before his trial. It is an abuse of the presidential pardon. It is disgusting and has Trump is fond of saying a disgrace.

What a thug.

His collaborations with Lena Wertmuller are classic - perhaps the apex of Italian filmaking. Plus he is a riot.

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There are several congress members who are current or former JAG officers - Lindsey and Ted Lieu are the most prominent. Lieu is currently a Colonel in the AFR.

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