Discussion: Report: Fox Host Jeanine Pirro Has Long Sought Trump Administration Job

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Let her. She’s sufficiently stupid and obsessive to take a job in the POS 45 WH just in time to be indicted for obstruction. I would love to see her in lockdown 23 hours/day.


So, the plan is, we have our choice of Pirro as SCourt Justice or Attorney General. Is this where we end? This is our final indignity?


Wanted: cabinet position
Prerequisites: Fox News host
Qualifications: what qualifications?
Duties: kiss DJT’s ass.
Shine his shoes
Have something that looks semi-competent in front of Congress
Avoid scandal, but if impossible, don’t get caught.
If you must go anywhere else than Fox News, just complain about how corrupt mainstream media is.
Time: a few months, knowing you’ll either resign or be fired
Send resume to DJT, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
Must have an IQ of 18 or older to participate.


Better hurry, dear. The Trump Badministration is on its last legs…

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Toxic, disgusting, lying piece of shit bitch. Oh forgot…traitor too.

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Judge Judy declined the position?


AG, DAG, SCOTUS…it doesn’t matter. Ms. Pirro with her half-baked, moronic screeds will never gain the respect of her peers. Very much like Trump, she’s also motivated by a sense of vengeance.


Two unnamed White House aides said they thought Trump wasn’t seriously considering replacing current Attorney General Jeff Sessions with Pirro,

Summer is ready when you are

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The criminal conviction of her husband for tax fraud while they were married, and lots of evidence showing she didn’t exactly have the cleanest of hands either, might be a reason why she didn’t get an appointment. Haha, just kidding, that wouldn’t bother Trump.


The epitome of Fair and Balanced.


“Pirro interviewed to be the DAG. Sessions resisted. When he resisted, Trump advisors told him if he didn’t give her a hearing, Trump might end up giving her SCOTUS.”

When do we get to the part when we’re all Pam Ewing, and wake up to realize it was all just a horrible dream?


Every single day there are a few moments in that twilighty time when waking up where I think today is The Day… And then, sadly, I open my eyes and discover we’re not there yet.


Jeanine Pirro: A Low Life in High Heels

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Seeing how he has two possible presidential candidates on his committee, a Pirro nomination might (hedging) bother Grassley,

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To be honest, I’m feeling more like Khartoum’s head.


Not surprising. She’s already a failed attorney and political candidate, might as well make her a failed lawmaker

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Not a bug; a feature. This actually gives her street cred with Trump.


She might not pass the security clearance SF-86. Least we not forget Pirro’s mobbed up husband was convicted of tax evasion and she was a co-signer on the returns.


She would be a perfect fit for Trump, a sycophantic loon stroking the his orangeness’s ego while working overtime to subvert the Constitution…

Be afraid, very afraid…

Edit: For example:
