Discussion: Report: Fox Host Criticizes Hillary Clinton For Discussing Singer's Penis In Interview

Megyn (porn name, if I ever heard one) displays how to cup while giving oral:


Because it’s Lena Dunham’s world. We just live in it.

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“I don’t necessarily think it serves (Clinton) to . . . talk about
(Kravitz’s), you know. You’re still trying to convince people . . . (to)
see me as your president…" Kelly was quoted by the publication. "It’s
a tough balance between being relatable and showing a softer side, and
still maintaining the dignity of the office that you seek.”

Your side has Donald Trump who I would not characterize as dignified or relatable.


LOL! Big Black Alabama snake will always be a topic of conversation in conservative circles…and water is wet

This is why I didn’t and won’t defend her against Trump’s sexism. Much like Kelly’s career, it was a joke and she knows it.

Pretty much what the entire conservative meltdown in reaction to Obama’s presidency has always been REALLY about: His dick is prolly bigger than mines!


Concern troll is concerned.


I do think that Clinton has to avoid stuff like this. Lena Dunham has no brakes, and that’s the kind of stupid stuff she will discuss. It is just not Presidential, and it diminishes her. As it is, I feel like nothing comes out of her mouth until it is poll tested, unless, of course, she is talking to Lena Dunham. For Christ’s sake, you got a person with a real chance of becoming President, and that’s what you talk about? Does Dunham even know there is a war in Syria, or that Afghanistan is going to hell, or more locally, that lots of people are still starving in this country?

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Oh fuck off bitch. Faux outrage. I’ll bet this bitch will be looking for the Youtube video.

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Matthew 15:11
After Jesus called the crowd to Him, He said to them, "Hear and understand. 11 “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.” Then the disciples came and said to Him, “Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?”…

[perhaps an unintentional double entendre]

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You tell 'em Megyn! Outrageous! I’m so engraged by this latest Hillary development that I could…

Oh, never mind, I actually don’t give a shit.


Megyn found it hard to swallow.


Better question = does TPM? Not one story today about Russia airstrikes in Syria today and all the crying about Obama got blindsided but instead this silly as bullshit.

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Maybe even bigger than Lenny’s and probably prettier too!!! LOL I love my President



1 little, 2 little, 3 little outrages
4 little, 5 little, 6 little outrages
7 little, 8 little, 9 little outrages

How many Outrages today on Fox News??

That’ might make me take a look.

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Fox is [KEN STARR] just trying to keep this [KEN STARR] a decent country where a family can sit [KEN STARR] down and watch [KEN STARR] the nightly [KEN STARR] news without having [KEN STARR] to hear the talking head [KEN STARR] bringing up penis-related [KEN STARR] news.

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Hi Chammy. Actually there was one earlier in the day. But I get your point.


Like Megyn hasn’t ever thought about black cock before . . .

Okay so I looked but they have “browned” out his crotch so you can’t see anything. Bummer.