A big beautiful wall would have been built long ago if the money had been spent on it.
3x the cost of the Mueller report, which has almost paid for itself just with seizure of Manafort’s assets. Someone better make a big chart for a podium so he can rant about how expensive his golfing is.
What proportion of this was paid to his own pockets? Self dealing and graft are the name of the game. He should be impeached for that alone. Every person in every red state should know that he’s spent more of their money in the last 2 years playing golf than their entire families will earn in their entire lives.
(h/t @losamigos)
This is the best! I needed that laugh!
Off topic, but fantastic.
I think if the government paid me extra for going home after work, I wouldn’t need the Douche Bank either!
How many pennies per cheat does that come out to?
So, the Trump golf clubs have pocketed, what, 25M of that? Surely the grift is more than that measly sum. Why, that wouldn’t even pay for Ivanka’s dresses for a few months!
How much of the $102 million went directly into the coffers of the Trump Organization? Nope, no conflict here. Not to mention the funds the Chinese are putting in his pocket at Mar-a-Lago, at the expense of national security.
And as in life, he cheats like a mofo. They call him Pele, since he kicks his balls from the rough onto the fairway, throws balls onto the green, throws opponents balls into the rough, always subtracts strokes, and is the king of mulligans and gimmes (picks up the ball instead of putting into the hole). Lies in golf, lies in life.
Send him a bill from the American People!
No worries. His minions know how hard he works and, while they struggle to meet their basic needs, they also feel he deserves the time off at their expense because he works so hard on their behalf.
It’s funny how that works.
ETA: I’m hoping I didn’t need a sarcasm tag for this, but if I do, here it is.
OBaMa goLf cosT more BecaUse he Didn’t own The cOUrses he plaYed at.
This should be the compliment the Democrat pays Rump to answer that stupid, inevitable debate question. You beat the bank because your beach house bills your boss every time you breeze by. Brilliant!
But Obama golfed too!!! And wore brown suits!!!
Did the French skimp on Louis XIV? I think not!
All that money to play something that’s like watching flies fuck
Only $102mil? C’mon people! We’re lucky to have him. Cheap at twice the price. Such a great great man and leader! MAGA!
How many mulligans does $102M pay for?