Let this sink in… Steve Bannon is the voice of reason within the WH.
Mild frost down in Hades right now…
“You’d like to have a nose like that full of nickels, wouldn’t you?”
The face of “white superiority”
Bannon has lost control of the Monster he created?
This reverses the accepted version that had President Bannon urging Comey’s firing while First Cuckold Jared said not to do it.
We need statements under oath from multiple people before we can know the real truth.
Someone should admonish at Trump, “You can’t jump in front of a speeding city bus!!!”
It would end some of our problems.
Bannon has half a brain, Trump and kids - not so much.
I guarantee that the Mercer Money Machine is shifting to Pence as we write. Bannon will follow that lead because they pay his way.
Not half a brain all together.
One tiny ray of sunshine for me in this article: Kushner pushed for Comey’s firing, which escalated the Russian thing dramatically. Shows how tone-deaf those over-privileged snots all are. It was one of the sons who pushed for the Cinco de Mayo taco salad. And Princess Lust Object has made a few good gaffes herself.
It pleases me no end that Kushner is now under pressure and possibly investigation.
I hope they all go down for their rape and pillage of our national government.
Bannon is a scary mf. In this circus he’s one of the few playing chess not checkers…
However, what’s he going to do when the boss keeps screaming “I want to play checkers!”
Well, today’s small ray of hope is that The Lone Deranger keeps disrupting the would-be evil genius’ plans.
LOL everyone seems to want a slice of the “I said not to do it” pie.
LOLOLOLOLOL Bannon has taken a page from Jarvanka’s book and started telling fluffy yarns about himself.
The Trump White House has more leaks than the Titanic.
No, it’s been accepted for some time that Kushner thought firing Comey would be a brilliant coup.
The blood is streaming out of their whatevers and into the water right now. It’s going to get difficult to sort the good sharks from the bad sharks for a while, because of all the pinkish froth. We’re going to be seeing a lot of this “I was the voice of reason stuff” out of the folks like Bannon as they work to shore up their places in the history of all this.
Seriously, using Trump as a vehicle for pushing ideologically driven policy could only be the idea of someone who did not quite understand the narcissism that is the very pulse of Trump’s beating heart. He thinks he’s smarter than anyone and evidence doesn’t convince him otherwise and he is so indifferent to policy that he is immune to rational persuasion anyway.
Bannon reminds me of Monsieur Thénardier in Les Miz. Always managing to survive, always doing so where the money is.
Jared’s the moron. Also, we heard from multiple sources that Jared was sure that Democrats would love the Comey firing.