Discussion: Report: 182% Increase In Off-Campus White Supremacist Propaganda Cases

This is the kind of speech drump was talking about at CPAC.


One particular brand of political kabuki goes like this:

Conservative travels to Berkeley, has event or starts handing out hate literature. Leftist/Black block activist travels to Berkeley and there is a fight. Trump gives a speech at CPAC saying Berkeley restricts free speech and he is writing an executive order to deny it research funding.

Under Trump, we are a nation bent on lobotomizing itself.


They always emerge from their dark slimy places when a cloud Trump covers the Sun, and always wilt when the glare of daylight finds them too far from their lairs to make it back before the shrivel.

Yeah, but it is Representative Ilhan Omar anti-semiteness that we should worry about


Hate crimes = illegal

Hate propaganda = legal

Looks like the hate crimes laws need a little tweaking?

Trump’s the “head” of the federal government.

We’ve already BEEN lobotomized.


Alas, first amendment. And likely a good thing too, because we all know just how good wingnuts are at feeling victimized and hated. It would be like the Ag gag laws, only for everything the right holds dear. The hate speech most commonly prosecuted would probably be “disparaging southern heritage”.


How about putting up counter-flyers? One tack is letting them know that love is far better than thinking badly about others, and, in fact, your love life will improve if you hang with good people. Or, you’ll get a lot more sex if you’re nice. Anyway, there are basic truths that can nullify the perversions. Let’s post 'em preemptively!

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…and yet they INSIST that they do not have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and Donnie is going to sign an EO on it or cut off funding to ‘liberal’ universities???

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Jonathan Greenblatt, the group’s CEO and national director, said posting flyers is a “tried-and-true tactic” for hate groups.

“Hate groups were emboldened in 2018, but their increasing reliance on hate leafleting indicates that most of their members understand this is a fringe activity and are unwilling to risk greater public exposure or arrest,” Greenblatt said in a statement.

So with all new methods of public messaging that have sprouted in the last 25 years the hate groups rely on a centuries old method of disseminating their message, how trite.

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182% Increase In Off-Campus White Supremacist Propaganda Cases

Now, why would that be, I wonder…?

“…How about putting up counter-flyers? …”

And then counter-counter flyers? I don’t know where these students get the time to get engaged in this bullshit. They have to learn that the way to really hurt the nut jobs is to let them speak but boycott them. If the don’t come with an audience, they won’t have much of one.
They also have to learn not to hand a ready-made grievance to these fucks.

One of the things about fliers is that they tell you that a dangerous nutjob was physically present.

OK, but they’re going to run into nut job speakers, neighbors, coworkers, bosses, etc, all their lives.
We can’t make them run around with name tags that read “nut job”. If they’re not directly hurting you, ignore them, tend to your classes and term papers and fuck them. Run for congress when you get settled.