Discussion: Rep. Stivers' Chief Of Staff Resigns After Photo Of Penis Posted On Twitter

Sam Seaborn redux.

or lubes.

You got that straight! Man that’s some cold s#it!

I knew there was a Goldfinger-Goldmember-men’s member triumvirate in there somewhere.

No they aren’t.

Though the report did state ‘resignation’ not ‘firing’ – I’m sure it was simply given as option.
And no, not a thing wrong with who-and-whom.
Just don’t be a member (yes, pun intended!) of the party who peers into others’ bedrooms and usually froths over others’ private lives.

Scorn? Sure.
For there could be no happy ending. :wink:


Victim? Um, OK if you say so…

“I met a handsome soldier and fell in love, I would have only married for true love, and I’m thankful to have found it, as well as a husband who lets me be me, he loves the whore too… I’m still dancing at a little titty bar called the Playhouse, I still see select clients( I’m thinking about taking an ad out in Eros.com)”

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Ummmmm… folks, look at that picture. Are we sure we’re talking about a woman here?

Not the same. In that case, it was the girl’s friend that sold her out, and Bartlett let Sam stay.


Kuhn should have consorted with a Japanese animatronic doll instead. They don’t know how to use cameras.

So now you have to resign if you happen to be in a relationship with someone who decides to post an inappropriate and embarrassing picture of you. I wonder who will be left standing? I know. Boring, paranoid people. Just the kind of creative leaders we need in government.

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Is that what’s called “being left with your teabag hanging out?”

Since he’s not married and wasn’t doing porn himself…I fail to see the problem here, at least in terms of him doing anything wrong. Is it that Republicans aren’t allowed to have sex unless they’re married? Seriously?? Or is it that former porn stars are somehow so badly tainted that it’s scandalous to date one? Because frankly, I think that attitude is not only disgusting but antiquated as well.

Honestly, as much as I suppose it’s an interesting story due to the lurid nature of it, I don’t see how this guy did anything wrong at all. Even the hypocrisy angle doesn’t work on this, unless he’s somehow on record attacking anyone for sleeping with former porn stars. I mean, Republicans have sex. And unless they’re married, having sex with men, or having sex with prostitutes, I fail to see how that’s a scandal.


lubed rubes in tubes?

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And… guess who votes for Stivers? Disgusting, antiquated people who would shit bricks if he remained on Stiver’s staff.

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I don’t know. They seem to have forgiven the Pamper Prince, and he was a senator.

I was more referring to the people here who seem to act like this guy’s a scumbag. And seeing as how David Vitter is still in the Senate despite having done much worse things, I fail to see how a single guy dating a former porn star would be worth anyone’s hassle.

Even the kissing congressman was at least married and caught kissing an employee, and I suspect his ouster was more about other Republicans already hating him. And all the same, this guy’s just a chief of staff and not a politician, so I don’t see how anyone would really care much. Either there’s more to this story or he quit too soon.


That’s right and I hear also that Oscar Meyer’s looking for someone to drive their Weinermobile in this guy’s area! No unemployment for him! He can get right to work!

I’m guessing more to the story?

Honestly, I don’t care what he did, or with whom. However, if he were a Democrat, the party of R would be apoplectic and screaming bloody murder.

I’m sure she doesn’t wear the glasses in her films.