Discussion: Rep. Jack Kingston: 'It's Possible' Obama Could Be Impeached

“I don’t know what rises to that level yet.”


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no it isn’t. you’d never get 3/4 of the senate to vote for it. Not only that, but he has done nothing worthy of impeachment. And if they did start impeachment proceedings, I think Obama should sic the justice department on Cheney.

please keep up the impeachment talk republicans. we need a strong democratic turnout in November.

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C’mon people, this is Jawjuh. Hells Bells they think one of the levels on the Food Pyramid is a Commie plot


“Not a day goes by when people don’t talk to us about impeachment.”
Yes, Republicans do talk to each other about it every single day. Democrats can only hope they put their words into action. Unfortunately, Jack isn’t serious, he’s just teasing the yokels.

Isn’t that another way of saying “minused.”

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Well, isn’t it?

And it looks like he will win next week’s primary, by the way.

You’ve made my point - with more humor and less frustration

Or as he’s also known, “Nostradumbass?”


On what grounds? Explain on what grounds they can impeach him. And if they can’t explain what crimes he has committed then they should either shut up or resign from public office. I’m fed up with this.

Forty years ago, Roger Ailes watched as his political career went up in smoke because his boss, Richard M. Nixon, happened to be corrupt and got caught, and he’s been trying to take down a Democratic president ever since. His personal hatred of the Democratic Party is driving this nation to the brink of ruin and no one is willing to call him out on it. What’s more, he’s aided and abetted more than a few terrorists because he hates Democrats so much.

Anything is possible with these tbag lunatics.

Then stop dicking around and do it.

If President Obama is guilty of such high crimes and misdemeanors that elections should be overturned and he should be removed from office, then why the years on end of flapping your gums instead of doing it?

Oh yeah, I forgot, this is about spinning up and fleecing your idiot base of money and votes and has nothing to do with governance.


go for it.

why wait?

He is 100% guilty of Presidenting while black. To say nothing of his flagrant criminality of being President while having a D after his name.

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All this from Rep. Jack “Jackass” Kingston. It’s possible the sun won’t come up tomorrow too, Jackie Boy.

These idiots should just be proactive and campaign on impeaching the next President, too. LOL

And “it’s possible” you could be a full-blooded wombat, or a plate of scrambled eggs.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all these right wingnut talking heads would actually read the Constitutional provisions about impeachment. The odds against just impeaching him are huge. Actually getting to a vote in the Senate and winning the requisite 2/3 vote to remove the impeached President from office is virtually nil.

Impeachment does absolutely nothing except embarrass the Republican wingnuts when they find out that just because they impeached him, nothing at all will change in the Obama administration. Impeachment is just the first step and no President has ever been impeached and then removed from office by the Senate. EVER!

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Oh, please don’t. Please don’t throw Brer Obama into that briar patch, it’ll be just awful!