I had no idea that porn was uniquely American, as it must surely be since school shootings are almost a uniquely American phenomenon.
I had no idea that porn was uniquely American, as it must surely be since school shootings are almost a uniquely American phenomenon.
“Rep. Diane Black Cites Porn As ‘Root Cause’ Of School Shootings.”
Root Causes of School Shootings:
She’s right, it’s the NRA sponsored and distributed gun porn.
However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.
“Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by,” Edelman says.
They’s red states coz uh that post-climactic flushing.
Science, Arrr, I love it.
Aaand, we have a winner!!!
Porn is the root cause of school shootings.
Trump supports and pays porn actresses.
Therefore Trump is a root cause of school shootings. Lock him up.
Seeing as the US is the only nation in the world that consumes porn and violent media, as well as the one nation where virtually all civilian mass shootings occur, this is a very trenchant observation.
I saw porn in High School.
The feelings I got were not killing someone.
I won’t say what they were.
Meaningless dribble from a human mass of meaningless dribble.
This is why we can’t have sane things.
He’ll still find a way, little perv.
“Self-raping”!!! Hahahaha! “Mom, mom, help!!! My hands are at it again!!!”
I got put in one of those when I was 4 or 5 because I was flipping out when I needed stitches to put my chin back together lol
Is it wrong that I looked at that and thought “now why would they make a joke like that with something clearly deisigned as a sex toy?”?
Oh, we got trouble.
Right here in Vapid City.
With a capital “T”,
And that rhymes with pee,
And that stands for PEE PEE TAPES!!!
Oui, Oui.
You just call your sister in from the other room.
Holy shit. This troglodyte thinks you have go to the grocery to get porn. Oh that’s right, she’s a Repulsive from TN. Sad.
Nicola Sturgeon meets Fabio?
Remember how it was once difficult to grasp how the Taliban got so twisted that they would blow basic historic artifacts and universally revered artwork … so religiously crazed that they became bent upon the destruction of human history & culture …
well, just observe the cognitive degeneration and lack of reasoning displayed by this deranged dimwitted demagogue - - an addle-brained proclamation supported by - nothing beyond her own babbling - and if handed the power to act - it would be terrifying to see what she would identify as “pornography” - no doubt she would label any speech by Martin Luther King as clearly pornography … also Obama’s books and presidential portrait … and definitely any human biology text book with even a passing reference to reproductive organs…