A whole bunch of Republicans lined up to take on Bill Clinton back in the day. The voters didn’t exactly reward those guys. More recently Trey Goudy and Darrel issa have lead hit campaigns. Their careers haven’t exactly soared. Chaffez is in a tough dead end job and isn’t smart enough to realize it.
What the hell, it’s easier than legislating.
Democrats need to take a leaf out of Bill Bellichick’s book, and tell Republicans: “Do your job.”
The relief is that we know he’ll be incredibly fair and objective. Sadly, this is how it ends.
All President Clinton has to do is dismiss the efforts as coming from someone who is so principled as to bemoan Trump’s behavior but still tacitly endorse him. Please proceed to the 2018 mid-term losses.
Governing and thinking and trying to solve real problems to make people’s lives better is haaarrrd. But, endless investigations of democrats which lead to nowhere is what I was elected to do.
Yeah, but what needs to happen is that the GOP gets slammed in November with major losses- even in the House.
If nothing else, to penetrate the bubble that lets them think that they are a silent majority, instead of a reactionary rump gerrymandered into unmerited significance.
Sore loser.
This should remind us that the Republican party was nothing but a sick joke well before they made Trump their presidential candidate. Now, of course, they are a parody of a sick joke, assuming that is actually a thing.
Thanks, Rep. Chaffetz! Another excellent reason for undecided voters to put Dems in control of the House: eliminate committee chairmanships of Chaffetz, Issa, Gowdy, et al.
The conniving snot makes this announcement just two weeks before the election hoping to put doubts into the minds of Independents who have not yet decided who they will vote for.
Carrying on the proud “Do Nothing Congress” Tradition. JFC
Nice to see that the republican party has learned from their past electoral losses. If there is one thing the country wants more of it’s useless, time wasting obstruction and grandstanding.
As I noted on the other Chaffetz thread…the one where he is showing his steel resolve by reversing his position on voting for Trump…again…that he is more likely eyeing how vulnerable Ryan will be in January, and is considering making a play for Speaker (or to be the puppet master putting someone else in the Speaker role while he controls the strings).
“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” said the dry ice manufacturer. No. There isn’t.
I kept wishing she’d mention it during one of the debates, because it’s more important than anything else they discussed. Defeating The Rump is necessary but not sufficient. If Rumpublicans control the Congress, it will be guaranteed another 8 years of renaming Post Offices, pretending to repeal Obamacare, Benghazi, email, foundations, and additional bullshit I can’t anticipate. Investigators asking circular questions which are raised by the presence of an investigation. Because all these investigations raise a lot of troubling questions, don’t you know.
I’ll bet she can get Justice to open a case against you for your national security leaks at the Benghazi press conference. And there will be room in Gitmo for you and Issa.
But I’ll wager Utah will replace him in 2 years for his support of Trump.
Republicans are the enemy of this nation and need to be punished.
AS BLUE as Utah has been leaning, he’d better wise up…OR he’ll get his butt handed to him by the STATE OF UTAH.
Don’t threaten a LADY STUPID.
He been NOTHING but a trouble, he’s an OBSTRUCTIONIST. He closed our government down along with his sidekick LEE. Pack you BAGS STUPID YOU’RE DONE.
The “investigations” should be ignored by the DEMS and the involved GOPers should be removed from Congress.
Unfortunately these people were elected to, specifically, throw tantrums and not much else. The people who elected them don’t know how to do anything else. They’d burn the country to the ground if they thought it would make Hillary look bad for a day.
What an extraordinary waste of a God-given space on earth.