Ooooooh, that’ll go straight under someone’s cheeto-colored skin just like a hypodermic.
Give 'im hell, Harry.
Don’t be a tease, Harry! Don’t you have a secret source who puts Trump’s net worth at $250 million? I’m sure you do.
And, we’ll see a tweet about what a failed senator Harry has been. Tossed in with some shit about losing sight in one eye. Come on, Orange Fucksicle, do as expected.
A superb example of Tuesday Trolling®. Reid knows exactly how to get under Trump’s skin. Can a Twitter Storm be far off?
It would be hilarious if Harry trolls hard with “An extremely credible source has called my office and told me…”.
I love the fact that Harry Reid has been piling on Donnie. But where in the hell are the rest of the Democrat’s? Do we still even have a DNC? Donnie should be getting piled on by any Democrat, at any level, who is up for election this year.
I sounded a lot like this until I bought a new mattress.
The Clinton campaign and ALL surrogates need to start using the term “Other People’s Money” EVERY time they say Trump’s name until the two are synonymous. Even idiots will understand that and get real about the FACT that their pockets will be fleeced next!
Stand by for more twee tweets from the twittering twat.
I love this. Keep trolling the orange asshole. Calling him out for not being rich is the way to kick him. That’s why Bloomberg’s speech pissed him off so royally. Where the hell has Liz Warren been? Come on, Liz!
Good. Time for a major re-abnormalization. After the Democratic convention, with the Khans being slurred, there was a chorus of people across the country asking “What’s wrong with him?” You have to keep pointing out that he’s not only extremely limited intellectually, emotionally he’s a very damaged, dangerous person. And you have to do it in ways you know he will confirm with future behavior.
The one that Harry really needs to drop is “… that Donald Trump is about to be indicted for tax fraud and income tax evasion.” C’mon Harry – the Senate is about to adjourn and time is getting short.
I’m gonna miss Harry, too! We don’t have to many stand up and punch back guys in the Senate anymore.
The lesson, as always, is don’t antagonize Harry Reid.
Come on, folks, let’s give credit where it’s due. The GOP might not have the richest candidate ever, but at least it finally has nominated a person of color. Of course, that color happens to be orange, but still.
That would add some real interest to the pending House inquisition of Commissioner Koskinen.
he does admit to being in the middle of an audit…
“In lieu of real business success, Trump resorts to scams, like Trump University.”
Or the GOP nomination.
“How can Republicans continue to close their eyes to the fact that this swindler is running for President?”
'Cause they wanna stick it to the Brownies.
“He’s always looking for a mark.”
Like Matt Lauer
And Chuck Todd.
Or Mark Halperin.
Didn’t Reid pull a similar stunt with Romney four years ago?