Discussion: Regional EPA Director Resigns Over Flint Water Crisis

Discussion for article #244963

As the Governor slowly rows the lifeboat away —


and the media dutifully rows behind him


I’m not following here. What were her duties and obligations regarding Flint versus the Governor and his team? It was the Governor’s people who decided to change the source of the water. And then failed to follow up on the serious allegations that followed. What was the regional EPA director’s responsibility in this?


If the EPA cant keep our water clean then i guess we dont need them!! Im pretty sure that if the Governor were really responsible to make sure that Flint had clean/safe water then an EPA official would not be claiming responsibility.

How do you poison a city?

If you see a forest fire raging in your state, do you wait for the Feds to get there? Especially if you are the one who dropped the match?

Governor Snyder is clues, callous, incurious and incompetent and totally lacking in empathy. His approach to this problem in his most recent speech resembles that of the theater manager who assured Mrs. Lincoln that they were going to make it right.

Some things are past fixing.


Yeah, they didn’t “claim responsibility” and you’re pretty sure of a lot of stupid things. Purported innocence of the goodly Hammonds was a real doozy, but only one.

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Quite the opposite! Most of the credit for blowing the lid off this crisis goes to local investigative journalists here in Michigan, but as far as the government response goes, the EPA was way ahead of state and local officials on recognizing the danger.