Discussion: READ: Judge Smacks Down Trump Bid To Halt House Subpoena To Accountant

Congress is meant to be as powerful as the president, not subservient to the Executive branch.


Trump’s lawyers aren’t very good, are they? Or maybe there just aren’t any good arguments for allowing Trump to get away with defying the Constitution?


Any press is good press? He may think so but you know all of this “delay” has taken up a lot of airtime and slowing it down keeps his behavior front and center day after day. Not his best look, no? As Nancy said, self-impeachment and I see it as she is giving him the rope.to hang himself. There has to be a build up to the finale and he has certainly provided a number of opportunities to keep the investigations in the news. Which side would you bet on for patience?

Its the accounting firm, not Trump, who have to provide the mat’l. If I were them I’d have handed it over right after the ruling. Why wait?


Straw man alert. We’re not talking about the accountants refusing to comply; we’re discussing complying ASAP vs. complying at the end of tjeir time window. Both are equally legal.

They’ve also had trump as a client for years. Any impact to other clients’ perspective of the firm has already happened.

And we don’t know everything that Trump and Kushner have been doing, and in what state they are going to leave the country. I may well be even more divided than when Buchanan left office.

Most of the new potential clients out there will stay far away from Mazars b/c of association with Trump. These kinds of business are all about adding new logos and generating repeat business from existing clients. Hard to do when your firm becomes the face of corruption and shadiness.


I’m not sure about the tide turning yet (no one knows how it works after all!), but it may be one of the tiny pebbles that trigger a landslide, or the few snowflakes (haha) that trigger the avalanche. Or the sneeze that starts an epidemic. Or the- oh the comparisons are many, and so fun.


Disagree. And thinking about Justin Amash and his libertarian leanings coming forward bravely, I have to wonder what the Kochs have to do with this.

Nothing good, especially after reading that the Kochs are reorganizing to look kinder and gentler.


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He’d have to prove it was a fishing expedition, which it isn’t. The House investigations are based on verifiable facts known to the entire world.

“Whitewater” was a massive fishing expedition which did not find anything to do with the actual Whitewater events.


There is no game. This a crucial investigation into multiple crimes -including treason- by Trump and his cadre of mobsters.


Congress doesn’t “look like impotent supplicants” to me. Just sayin’.


they have seven days to produce them, and trump can take this to appeal, but the documents will be given before that, and the case becomes MOOT. the accounting firm is going to follow the judges orders.


I hear “Blackwater” is available.


nope, that is not a stay, it is a timeline for them to produce the documents


Well sure, impeachment hearings might invigorate their dullard base, but it would also invigorate the (vibrant and intelligent) democratic base, which is a majority of the countyr; and all Americans would hear public, verifiable, factual evidence of Trump’s criminality. That’s important.

I don’t understand why both parties don’t seem to get this. Democratic voters want perceivable action. Subpoenas, long waiting periods, and brain-numbing blibber-blabber from democratic leaders is not action.

Castor, the Post was incorrect. I read both their article and the decision. The parties agreed to allowing Mazars to have 7 days from this decision to turn over the documents. That isn’t a stay by the judge, who was adamant about not giving a stay. He explained what is required for a stay, including that you have to be likely to win your appeal, and declined to stay his decision until the end of an appellate decision.


Be carful everything takes time.

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except that it was completely unnecessary for him to mention impeachment – by making it part of his decision in the way he did, he is making it a necessary part of any appeal.
I’m not sayng he favors or opposes impeachment. I’m saying he realizes that this is part of an impeachment effort, and is making impeachment an issue in this case.

Yeah, but this is not a smack down. This is nothing more than a ruling. :smiley:

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