My bet is that The Donald pays zero income tax on a much smaller income than would be associated with a man of his alleged wealth…
It would be like Dorothy opening the curtain…
Challenge extended.
What say you, Tough Guy? Are you gonna let a girl own the day?
Under Pressure, Donnie? Keep the pressure on, Madame President.
Hillary already has his nads in a jar.
trumpet has not paid income tax in many, many years and it’s all legal, hence the audit bullshit, which is a lie of course. There’s no telling what he’s worth, but I’m guessing $10 billion or so, more if the mood strikes him…
I think I’m more interested in seeing Trump’s Russian income tax returns than his American returns. He probably made more rubles than dollars.
Wouldn’t it be just icing on the cake if Don the Con actually made less than Clinton’s $10m in 2015?
If in some hypothetical world Trump was presented the non-negotiable choice of continuing in the race for Presidency, or keeping his tax returns private, but “Both” was not an option, he’d drop out of the race. That is a certainty.
Trump: This is how I deal with my enemies. Crooked one is so scared of me that I forced her to release her tax return. She cant do anything to me which forces me to release it. I win. I will do the same to ISIS.
…unless you mention this in every speech (and have Warren poke him continually about it on The Twitter) it won’t matter to Donny Derp.
This is just the set-up. The punchline will come during the debates.
Our girl got some serious bank!
As a CPA, w/a practice representing the creative arts. It is my contention that the Clintons, in the opposite of trying to game the tax system, are doing the opposite regarding the royalty income from the sales of their books. While the $3MM dollar non-refundable advance Secretary Clinton received is Schedule C - Self Employment Income subject to Self Employment Taxes (social security & medicare) their royalty income is not. That should be declared on Schedule E, whereas royalty income is not subject to Self Employment taxes.
The Clintons probably paid more taxes than Trump.
He is ashamed to have his taxes public, because he makes much less that he says, gives nothing away, and is probably a tax cheat.
Oh well, what would one expect of a draft dodging coward, veterans group cheater, and lying, asshole loser. Sad.
Agreed. He defines himself by his supposed wealth. Anything that would reveal a different story would be unacceptable to him on a primal level.
Oh, boy. Hate to break it to you, but that little thing floating around in there. Yeah, that little, tiny thing. Here, you can borrow my magnifying glass. That’s not the only thing of his she’s got in that jar.
It matters to me that Bernie has still not released his tax forms either. “Both” shouldn’t have been an option for him either, especially when he got so much mileage out of the Goldman/Sachs speeches he only knew about because the Clinton’s released over twenty years of their returns.
And serious donations to charity while has donated maybe $5,000 or so though he claims it’s much more. NYT Business section has this image on its front page, excerpts from story . donnie’s going to stroke out.
No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less — perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years. Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.
Even with hundreds of millions in gross revenue from his vast real estate empire, “it’s both possible and legal that Donald Trump would pay little or no income tax,” said Len Green, an accountant and chairman of the Green Group, a tax and accounting advisory firm. Mr. Green is also a real estate investor, teaches at Babson College and is the author of the forthcoming “The Entrepreneur’s Playbook.”
“I would expect he’s paying little or no tax,” agreed Steven M. Rosenthal, a veteran tax lawyer and senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy center.
That’s because Mr. Trump, as a prominent and active developer, can take advantage of some of the most generous tax breaks in the federal tax code to reduce his reported income to near zero, or even report a loss.
@publishermike Why release returns on a Friday? I’m going to guess it’s because the Clinton campaign knows this is in today’s NYT (with an image to die for) and it’s piling on. trump’s not going to address it in any way, so she and her team will just continue to say any and everything they want about it.
Guarantee you that, by prime time tonight, Faux Noise will have found something on these returns to enhance their “crooked Hillary” position, even if they have to make it up, as they so often do.
As @cwbaris noted above, I am not quite sure I understand the difference above about the royalties and, since many aren’t as well versed, some nonsense could be perpetuated as to how these royalties were improperly claimed.
You know it is coming.