Discussion for article #223145
If this is Rassmessup talking, I’d LOVE to see what PPP has to say about this race.
ThIS meANZ tH4t FIFTY-THR3e PerCeNT hAtE SOSHEEUHLLIZZIST MerK-JErK-eley whICh meenZ w3 wiN!!
GOTea of OR
A double digit lead for Jeff Merkley is great, but the plutocrats propping up Wehby won’t stop marketing their latest puppet - we need to have good voter participation in this upcoming midterm. Never forget the collection of moonbats and zealots ushered in to Congress due to voter apathy in the 2010 midterms!
Add 5 to Merkley
Exactly!! GOTV!
Points for difficulty.
It’s Oregon. Sanity rules…for the most part. Thanks to the Wetside of the state!
But, but, but… but I remember reading Merkley is like the most vulnerable Democrat in the Senate! Damn polls. Messing up the Village’s conventional wisdom yet again…
So far, I’m not seeing any signs of a looming Republican landslide this November. It’s starting to look more like 1998 than 2010. Once again conventional wisdom has become an oxymoron.
FrEeDoM!!! LiBeRtY!!! TeD CrUd!!! NUTS!!!
But…but…they worked so hard and spent so much money! O-care rate shock! Millions of low income American being forced into crappy Medicaid plans! working class people being given premium subsidies which robs them of their self-respect!
Republican statesmen like Paul Ryan work tirelessly to cut unemployment and food stamp benefits, and propose to voucherize Medicare.and cut Social Security in order to save them for the American people. What thanks do they get for their tireless work of of courage and statemanship? Nothing.
Oregon has good turnout baked into the system. The Governor’s race is off from the Presidential cycle, the mail-in ballot system helps increase marginal participation, and there’s almost always a couple of petition-driven issues that help.
Not that there doesn’t need to be partisan efforts - and there will be - but overall the state is much less likely to have a low turnout base only midterm cycle than other places. What you have to look out for is Merkley not getting his name ID up among casual voters (he’s sort of in the shadow of Gov. Kitzhaber, Sen Wyden and Obama as well as better known local figures like the mayor of Portland) - although even there, they should know enough to fill in the bubble next to the name identified as the Democrat.
Not to say GOTV doesn’t matter (it does) but Oregon is less prone to major turnout dropofffs.
Okay, it’s got a hint of the Ghost, but none of the resilience or sauciness.
Kos has a good piece on that very same subject.
You got that right. East of the 5 is Tea Territory.
If Rasmussen has Merkley winning, then it must be so.
Wehby is damaged goods at this point. 911 tapes emerged just before the election, in which, on multiple occasions, she had so frightened her ex-husband and ex-boyfriend with violent and irrational behaviour that they called the police for help.
She appears to be a very intelligent and capable lady within her medical field who also has serious personality disorders which have led to crazy and even violent behaviour. Not someone who should be seeking higher office of any kind.
Merkley can put this one on cruise control.
Cannabis legislation on the ballot won’t hurt turnout, either.
The big initiative issue this year will be legalization of weed. Could end up being a wash in terms of benefit, since libertarians are also in favor. The biggest detriment is the candidate herself - she is not ready for prime time - every time I’ve seen her she looks good until asked a question she hasn’t been primed for or doesn’t want to answer (are you pro-choice? if so wold you vote with your party to reduce women’s access to abortion? specifically how would your replace the Affordable Care Act?)
Even tho I’m pretty certain he will win, I’m still going to volunteer for Jeff this year.