Well someone should tell the Libertarian “most interesting man in American politics” we are still at “liberty” to form our own opinions of her based on our observations…free of his “concerns”.
Isn’t that just like a run of the mill bullshitting poll? He’s “concerned”…about her baggage. Except he isn’t. He’s just using trite political schtick…making an allegation via voicing a concern ( concern trolling ) …for the same reasons many do. They lack the courage to come right out with it. If I were Paul I’d put all my energy into the fact I was trailing HRC by double digits and fire any adviser that told me ragging on her was a way to fix that.
Paul isn’t going to run. And he should be glad of that. If he ran against HRC he would be annihilated. His people know that…the GOP knows that…the MSM knows that. But you won’t hear them talk about it much.
“I’m starting to worry that when Hillary Clinton travels, there’s gonna
need to be two planes – one for her and her entourage, and one for her
baggage,” Paul said. “I’m concerned that the plane with the baggage is
really getting heavy and teetering.”
They gotta do what Ron wants or Ron will suddenly remember who wrote Ron’s
newsletters. It was someone who sounds like Ron but wasn’t. The computers apparently judged similar but not the same.
He really does. He thinks he is being oh so clever by playing on the word baggage to mean 1) all the history and fake problems the GOP has tried to pin on her, and of course 2) that she is a woman, and just can’t pack lightly for anything.
I am surprised he didn’t add a jab in there about her having to stop and ask directions every 15 minutes, too.
The bottom line is, this twit believes his misogynistic views are widely accepted. And he will continue to be quite fluxomed as reality keeps slapping in the face about it. Look for his wife to continue with her apology tour for months to come.
Rand Paul: Hillary Has So Much 'Baggage' She Needs An Extra Plane
Yet another obituary for irony.
Lacking empathy, conservatives can only project their own thoughts and reactions onto others. And, of course, they are incapable of seeing the irony in this.
Today’s Republicans can’t govern. But they do have an endless supply of very pompous and meaningless sound bites. (see Donald Trump and Ted Cruz and apparently Rand Paul)
If Republicans can’t govern and they feed on meaningless sound bites, and they repeatedly show signs of being incompetent, isn’t that a news story worthy of CBS or The New York Times?
If, by some weird series of events, Paul does get elected, and is the “opening act,” at the White House Correspondents dinner, he’ll have a tough act to follow.
I bet he practices his so called punch lines at breakfast with the wife. After she hears it she says,“oh that is a good one” and randy can’t wait to get in front of a camera before he forgets it and screws it up.
LIfe must be a bitch when you want to be something and there is no way in hell you are ever going to become it and end up just putting down others to make yourself feel better while definitly facing your extinction from politics.