Discussion for article #233491
OHBUMMEr didN"t have THe pleaSURE of grOWIng up a BLACK male AMerican , HAving been RAISEd IN HAWAian madrassas, SO of COUrse he hatES AMerica!1!!!one!!!
Follow up question: Do you think President Reagan loved America? What about other recent Presidents?
I guess the Koch brothers don’t have any of these guys on the payroll for their courage. And what a sad indictment of the modern Republican party that saying “Of course the President loves America” would somehow be seen as courageous in the GOP these days. What a pathetic dismal party it has become. Dogs all over America are cocking their heads to the side wondering where all those whistles are coming from.
Not another GOP “punter”??
And speaking of vaccines and slightly off topic, Our favorite hog-balls detach-er, has now weighed in:
“Unbelievably sad.”That was the subject line of an email a
colleague sent me last week. In it, she forwarded a link to a story that
had Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst telling a Des Moines radio host
that Congress should outlaw vaccines because they “manipulate brains.”
These retards must think Obama will run again. I’m embarrassed for all of them.
Profiles in courage.
Funny how Rubio is the only clown who has strayed anywhere near a reasonable comment on this insipid topic.
Question for Rand Paul: Your father, Ron Paul, recently spoke at an event titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession" in which he argued that secession from America is a good thing and is going to happen soon. Do you think that secessionists love America?
Well, if he’d have answered, he might get tagged with the “do you love America” himself, and you all know he’d have to weasel on that question.
Rand Paul is a chickenshit.
GOPer after GOPer totally missing their “Sister Souja” moment…they don’t present themselves all too often morons,
oh well…
Senator Aqua Buddha: weasel and coward!