Discussion: Rand: 'Moral Crisis' Led To Gay Marriage, US Needs Religious Revival

Discussion for article #234774

Can we maybe stop hearing how young people and liberals are going to love Rand and back him over a Democrat?



“He said he would prefer that homosexuals had an alternative “contract” that gave them “equivalency before the law,” while preventing same sex nuptials.”

People like Rand should have thought about that 10 years ago. Civil unions were all that was hoped for. Then the bigots doubled-down on stupid. Not only did they pass unconstitutional laws banning gay marriage, the language of those laws also banned civil unions.


What we need now, according to Rand Paul, is an Inquisition! A Counter-Reformation! A Wahabist Revolution! We must turn the United States into the the Christian equivalent of ISIL and go on a Crusade against the Muslims!

I’m tired of people like Rand Paul claiming that what’s wrong with this country is some kind of moral crisis. Guess what…the degradation of the American Family is not because of a lack of Christianity, but because of a lack of jobs, job security, and pay. If Rand Paul really gave a crap about the “moral decay” of this country, he would start by proposing pay caps for industry executives, a living minimum wage for workers, punitive fines for businesses caught breaking laws and regulations; subsidizing child care for workers; raising the funds for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Food Stamps; making education free in this country; and putting an end to the Koch Brothers’ influence in politics.

Anything else is just about him wanting power.


Oh, and there’s video! Thank you sweet Jesus.

Remember how all those folks kept saying, “Well, he’s good on some issues”. Umm, yeah, until he ain’t. Even the tiniest, slightest concern tugging in the back of my mind about his possible ability to attract the young’ins just flew right on out the window. He’s done. All this desperate pandering has produced one campaign ad after another, and there’s no need for a narrator, just let Senator 80 Faces speak for himself.


Presumptuous, posturing, pseudo-religious godbotherers. Why is everything from the national budget to climate change, to basic human rights always turned into a kind of morality play by these assholes? Obviously to justify their own fear, hardness of heart and ignorance, but I had to pose the question.


And another one of the #47Traitors goes down God’s rabbit hole.


IMHO my gay acquaintances are far more moral than a “doctor” who certified himself, rather than go through a board certification.


To reap in those sweet, sweet bigot votes. Got to run the bigot gantlet if you want to advance to the semi-finals.


Scratch the finish of a “libertarian” and the color of the bigot beneath comes through.


When I grew up, a Libertarian was someone who said, “Mind your own business, and stay out of mine.”

Rand is not remotely close to being a Libertarian.


Look, Rand, you could fellate Franklin Graham on live religious TV and the Bible-thumpers still wouldn’t vote for you. But by all means pander as grotesquely as possible, so the “Libertarians” can see how much you “value” “personal freedom.”


Oh for christ sakes!!

Remember when JFK a met with the “church” men? He said, the division of church and state must for ever be absolute!!

Now, where are those politicians? I am sick to death of the “christian con” crap!


Or like when Barry Goldwater commented on gays in the military: “I don’t care if they are straight, I just care that they can shoot straight.”


Given the nature of the white, torture-loving, fundamentalist-Christianity-as-the-state-religion-desiring, looking-forward-to-the-apocalyptic-destruction-of-Israel-because-I’m-getting-raptured-and-you’re-not-fantasizing, teavangelical GOP base, it was inevitable that Paul was going to start sounding like a warmed-over version of Rafael Cruz.


aaaand there he GOES!
Willfully diving off the deep end to roll in the muck of the “Culture Wars” so he can shamelessly pander to the Christian Theocratic Reich-Wing of the Republican Party.
Kiss a lot of his Libertarian supporters goodby.
I wonder what Ayn Rand had to say on the subject of Religion? Hmmmm…


Of course he has to say this to woo the far right … but it should be indelibly Tattooed on his forehead - and on the forehead of every other right wing pandering fool - so that when they face the general election population, everyone remembers their commitment to ram the oppressive bigoted will of a strident minority down the throat of the majority

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll 3/1-5/15
“Do you favor or oppose allowing gay and lesbian couples to enter into same-sex marriages?”

Strongly / Somewhat favor = 59%
Strongly / Somewhat oppose = 33%


Now that’s gross, I’m gonna need more than mind bleach, I’m heading for the mind draino.


But, but, but, Sen. Paul, what about that darned ol’ pesky U.S. Constitution??