Discussion: Radio Host Who Endorsed Ted Cruz: Fiorina Went 'Full Vagina' In Debate

Classy guy.


Apparent since she hasn’t considered all the “b” words we could conjure up to our amusement as @DaveyJones64 so nicely pointed out.

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While belligerently beckoning the baby-parts baloney brigades to brutishly bludgeon the bereaved.


It means she debates like a girl. If you were a doughy white AM radio troll, you would know that.


There are 99 problems with Fiorina, having a vagina ain’t one of them.


A face made for radio.


I’m with you…I admit to screaming ‘Lying b-word’ at the TV machine every time she opened her mouth but at least I was in the privacy of my own kitchen. HOWEVER, ‘going full vagina’ is kind of over the top for me in a national ‘tweet’…

Or Jarrod’s cell mate. A few weeks ago the NYT magazine did a long profile on him. He casts himself as someone who was a loser but found God and a brand of evangical political talk radio.

The ‘I’ve buried a child’ is bullshit as well. A stepchild of hers died. This sounds very petty, but when she goes around ‘I’ve beaten breast cancer, I’ve buried a child’ and uses that as a major selling point of her biography…There’s a big difference between losing a young adult that you’ve been a step-parent to for a few years and ‘burying a child’ that you’ve raised since birth.

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Carly reminds me of Bette Davis in ‘What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.’ She’s a creepy ego trapped in the attic. Don’t go up there, she might have a knife.

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No, I guarantee he was referring to this scene from Tropic Thunder. That still doesn’t completely clarify what it means, but my take is that he likely meant she was talking completely as a woman, referencing her own experiences, instead of pretending to be a manly man, which of course is an abhorrent thing.

Alternatively, he may have meant it more literally as “full c***”, meaning just talking about being a woman is a direct assault on his manhood (such as it is).

I would have to guess that he’s never seen one.

Thank you. No mention of Steve Deace should be made unless accompanied by the photograph, to allow everyone to give the man every bit of serious attention he deserves.


It isn’t tough for me. I think Carly is a cunty bitch … and a bitchy cunt. I understand that many have issues with those words. I accept that. But if she were a male, nobody would think twice about calling him a prick or a dick.

Please know that I reserve those words for the worst of the worst. Carly Fiorina has earned them.


That is one unattractive set!

Gutter meet your republican candidates! They seem to thrive in that environment.

Poor Carly! She’s getting the worst of all name calling from her own side of the aisle yet there is so much more tangible evidence she’s unfit for the job. Give it up Carly!


Bastard? Doubtful.
Brilliant? Almost certainly not.

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Fiorina is a figment of her own imagination but Steave Deace is the very definition of a silly cunt.

I not surprised at his comments, what surprises me is republican women that won’t call out and put up with this bs.
Edit: And black republicans too.

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She has inflected on others much more adversity than she ever faced. Firing thousands to enrich herself is the definition of a variety of “b words”.

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