Trump: Putin is real smart. Tillerson is now going to be a double agent.
What’s kabuki in Russian?
There’s an old saying in politics–I’ve seen it attributed to various pols: “You can buy people or scare people to get support. I prefer to scare people, because some people won’t stay bought”
But when Putin buys you, you should stay scared.
This means you Rex. And Donald, too.
I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I read this.
It’s just too surreal to be true. And yet, it is.
How bizarro our world has become in the last few months…
So darned CUTE that Vlad is!!!
For the record I don’t think Putin should be destabilizing the world or us or anybody. But when he jerks Trump around like this I get VERY CONFLICTED because I kind of love it. I want to see Putin force Trump to bark like a dog and stuff. It’s not good for the country, I know. Conflicted.
Insofar as it’s trashing the GOP it’s good for the country, too. And it is.
Putin’s a special case obvs but how many world leaders past and present and probably future have been openly mocking and condemning the current occupant? There’s never been anything like it since WWII.
I am completely unconflicted. It makes me want to puke listening to this murderous kleptocratic sociopath talking like he’s neutralized America and paralyzed Europe and is now on top of the world, leader and promoter of the ideology destined to dominate the future.
I would say since 1776. Am I wrong?
Got to agree with Vlad there. Trump is certainly the wrong company.
Soviet leaders mocked US leaders up to the end of the Cold War. They might have been a little more subtle about it than Vlad, but they had more experience between being professional thugs and assuming power than he did.
Does portraying the president as the powerless sockpuppet of the running dogs of capitalism count? Because that was Mao’s gig for a couple of decades.
(channeling @inversion )
You can have him, Putin. Give him a big flat in a nice neighborhood in Moscow or St. Petersburg or wherever, and we’ll go back to having a less incompetent Secretary of State.
What Putin means is that Tillerson isnt helping him curb the European natural gas market the way Putin thought he would in 13’…
So he’ll release said pee tape to discredit trump and tillersons backing of him…
No argument. But if I expressed myself non-frivolously I could say the open mockery reminds me what a knife’s-edge Trump is teetering on personally. I continue to think, naively I’m sure, that it’s not sustainable for a President who’s clownishly incompetent and obviously a puppet of a hostile foreign nation to continue in office. All of official Washington understands the situation. And I’m pretty sure every third D.C. conversation or so includes a part where the two people lower their voices and talk about scenarios for getting out of it.
Somehow that always seemed mechanical and unfelt to me. When people mock Trump you know they mean it.
Nothing he does is good for us.
Every day, I check out and every day it is clear that his primary goal now is to keep us at each others’ throats, incite violence, encourage the idea that a Trump impeachment merits Second Amendment remedies
I hope the money keeps Condoleezza Rice and Bob Gates warm at night. They were instrumental in getting this dolt/Order of Friendship receiver into Foggy Bottom.
No argument with me there. Remember, I’m Mr. October. But we better keep an eye on how Putin is grooming the true believers to react, because they sense it’s coming and are utterly deluded as to why.