Republican solution for Puerto Rico emergency–tax cuts for the rich.
FEMA has repair crew and generators on their way, right? Right?
If Hair Furor keeps poking the NorKo’s, part of the US mainland is going to look like Puerto Rico…
Trump will be flying in there approximately half past never. He probably doesn’t even know it’s U.S. territory. Too busy flinging Twitter poo at Kim Jong Eun. Overgrown children, the pair of them.
You’re kidding, right? The Repubs haven’t spent significant amounts of money on the mainland’s infrastructure. We don’t have to wait for a nuke, just a well-aimed, high-wind storm.
Ironically, republicans should be doing everything they can to rebuild Puerto Rico, and ASAP.
Because if they don’t, it going to kick off an even bigger wave of people moving to the mainland. People who can vote the moment they set foot here and have a strong tendency to vote D when they do.
First the Puerto Rican economy was destroyed by Hurricane Goldman. Now the rest of the island has been destroyed by Hurricane Maria. I’m sure the psychopaths on Wall Street, K Street and CONgress will find a way to blame it all on the Puerto Rican people while profiting handsomely…
I got a solution!!! lets cut taxes to zero for anyone rich, that will surely do it.
While my Party (the “Democrats”) offers them tax credits for job training, which, of course, will have to paid for with spending cuts to SNAP, hurricane monitoring and a provision to lower the minimum wage to $1.99/hr in order to win the backing of “the business community”*.
(*Of course by “business community” I don’t mean those fine folks on Main Street. No, they need to please the people who work on a far more important street in NYC…)
“This is an event without precedent.”
This the third such event without precedent in a little less than 2 months.
How many five-hundred-to-a-thousand-year-events in a row before these assholes Republicans finally believe in to global warming?
Hurricanes: The Adam Sandlers of nature.