The whole thing brings to mind the episode of Monk when he took the black light wand from the crime scene work-up kit and inspected a ‘clean’ hotel room for traces of body fluids… A combination of hilarity and grossness ensued.
Made me want to surrender all my frequent flyer miles… Could not imagine bringing a ‘used’ hotel mattress into my home.
Not to take away from this, but “Millan Hupp” sounds weirdly like a porn name… or the answer to how much Pruitt wanted to get from the EPA job: “A mil and up.”
Maybe a close aide, one that has been “a longtime friend, dating back to his days in Oklahoma,” one that is “willing” to take on “personal requests” because of their “personal friendship”.
“Well, we worked very closely together and spent a lot of time together,” she said. “I traveled with him, so naturally a friendship developed.”
Maybe a used mattress is recommended for cheaters. That way they can’t be caught by what shows up in the stuffing. “It was already there, Honey. Not mine!”
“You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where America once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it’ll be beautiful.”
The immediate conclusion is that he would want the mattress to cover his own DNA trail. But it’s just as likely he wants it to provide a bit of “security” on someone else. Hmmm.
The aide claiming she never followed through actually makes this scenario more likely - maybe there were limits to how much she wanted to expose herself legally.
If he just wanted the Trump Int’l pick for mattresses, almost by definition the best in the world (right, Donald?), he could have bought one new - just find out what it is and where he can get one himself. I’m sure Trump would be flattered by the request.