WTF does that mean? The perp was arrested and will most likely at least be paying the fine. That’s due to the judicial system. But if you mean the civil court system, then yes, Trump could make an example of him. All he has to do is prove he was hurt by the tomato. Might be kind of hard, considering it missed. Then again, Trump can claim he was emotionally damaged by the incident.
Tell you what, you brought it up. Why don’t you tell us the statement you imagine Trump making to convince Judge Judy that he’ll never be the same again after someone lobbed a tomato at him.
I may not be the best person to explain his popularity, since I find it pretty damn mystifying, but certainly he’s been playing the outsider who’s his own man and goes his own way and seems to defy political gravity. If gravity wakes up and comes back to bite him, he’ll seem mortal, vulnerable, not as smart or magically a winner as he claims to be, and foolishly human. I hope!
All he really needs do is bring him to court on multiple occasions to address it. He will have to seek council that will most likely be more of a hardship on him than on Trump…starting to get the picture???