Discussion: Protesters Surround Carlson's Home, Chant 'We Know Where You Sleep At Night!'

Beside i think a flaming bag of poo would be a much more on the nose protest of Carlson.


This is wrong and works against all of us. Coupled with the most recent shooting, this is going to blow up on Fox News. The best thing would be for the other news outlets to cover and condemn this outright.


This doesn’t smell right.


This is wrong, not good.

Park outside Mitch’s house, march in Zinke’s hometown. Families are off limits.


I wish we could leave infantile temper tantrums to the likes of MAGA-hat-wearing idiots.

Torpedo the actual meaningful cause so you can get a one-night emotional high off of intimidating a noted asshole. Great work, everyone.


I wonder if you noticed that the article does not say anyone was arrested …

What arresting officer? What judge? What bail?

Here’s the Post:

Hours after the protesters dispersed, police were still stationed near Carlson’s home, Pongratz said, adding the block will be under “special attention” for “as long as needed.”

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Not war. Just pushing the boundaries between civility and anarchy. It won’t lead to war, just rioting and mob violence. That kind of shit is worse than war because in a real war, there are people who follow the rules and keep the killing focused. With the chaos that this shit engenders, there’s just a lot of insane violence and social devolution.

War? No, it’ll be worse than war. Just ask the French about their revolution.


These are not “our mobs”.


Someone should tell the propandists that crap like this is exactly why we’ve been telling them to tone down their rhetoric. It’s not just about riling up their own malcontents, it’s also about riling up their opposition.

Violence is the result of people feeling like they’re not being listened to by those in power. When the political faction in power openly taunts their opposition by intentionally and flagrantly ignoring them, it will inevitably lead to violence.

That’s not in any way condoning any of this. It is simply acknowledging reality, history and human nature.


This is so damn counterproductive you have to question the real ID’s of these idiots. The FOX assholes have only a few cards to play and victim is the one they go to the most. Stupid to deal them a full house of that shit.


Which narrative?

The “You had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.”


“You don’t hand matches to an arsonist and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob ― and that’s what they’ve become.”

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And, this guy, like Barf K and soon to be many others will be confined to buildings, not seen on streets where people will confront them.What a nice life you’ve carved out for yourselves.

Governments know how to deal with public violence. This is playing right into republican hands.

All the criticism of these folks and no mention of this article on the same page.


I was alive during the 60s and I’m still here - we didn’t all die.

When fighting fascism, I am a fan of the Inglorius Basterds methods.


Fucking right wing scum can say whatever they want.

The protest that counts is at 5PM today. That will dominate the news. And for the record I hope Fucker Carlson and his entire family die painful deaths. Because fuck racist traitors.

Too true. There’s no excuse for this and this was not a “protest.” The door bit was reckless, pointless, and irresponsible. When you rush someone’s door from the outside, you have no idea if the person inside has a gun, and in many jurisdictions, if they do, they have the right to defend themselves. This was a stupid, pointless, action that could have had tragic consequences beyond the property damage.


Maybe not, but, this is coming to a home near you when the civil war gets going in full force, which will include unbelievable violence, the usual in civil wars. This is merely the ramping up into devastation for everyone. Got it yet? This, and more, is inevitable, considering the anger in the country. Read just how civil war / revolution may look, realistically, by reading “Twilight’s Last Gleaming” by Greer, pub. 2015, first book I know of to deal with the coming collapse.

And btw, a May poll noted that over 31% of Americans now expect civil war soon. You must be one of the “entitled” not to realize this, or merely fail to inform yourself:



And over 43% of Americans now can no longer afford both food and rent:


These are a few reasons why the people are going to try to incinerate Washington, DC soon.

I grew up in Harlem in the 1960’s. I’ve seen rioting. Some of us did die. A lot of us lost our businesses and homes. Northeast DC was blighted for decades after their riots. And for what?