Discussion: Pro-Choice Group: Arson Attacks At Abortion Clinics Are ‘Domestic Terrorism’

It’s as if some faction were fomenting hatred and acrimony toward planned parenthood centers. It’s about time we started calling terrorism what it is. I realize it’s probably not a bunch of muslims doing it but still.

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Yes, yes, it is.

Good housekeeping begins at home TPM. Will look forward to your increased coverage of these!
Move over some of the titillating clown car coverage for serious works like this.
Thanks for posting it.


Ilyse Hogue called on news outlets to treat the attacks as incidents of “domestic terrorism” and accused them of providing “extremists the cover to regressively and violently attack women, their access to health care, and the medical professionals who provide it.”

Not just Domestic, it’s also Conservative Terrorism.

Agree with your first two sentences. However, the “clown car” is legitimate subject matter for so long as one of the riders of said clown car continues to have a legitimate shot at the Republican nomination. Just because we find it repugnant and juvenile, does not keep it from being legitimate. However, TPM can certainly run stories on both, just as Gerald Ford chewed gum and walked…

Keep women in their place by forcefully eliminating their options.

Pro-Life is Pro-Taliban.