Discussion: Prison Chief: Parts Of Arizona's Botched Execution Went 'Perfectly'

They’re effectively trying to mitigate higher insurance premiums.


“Parts of the execution went perfectly.”

Yep. And how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?


Yes and the straps did a perfect job of holding him down while he writhed…

which included a licensed medical doctor

What happened to DO NO HARM??

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Uh yeah your car is ready.Parts of it work perfectly.Yous got your A.M. radio ,works fine and the engine is quite the runner.Now about the brakes…not so much,but hey,did I mention the radio.


Parts of the Bay of Pigs went perfectly also-I understand the catered lunch was delicious!

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Parts of hiring Charles Ryan went well also-then he showed up for the first day of work and it started to slide downhill quickly …

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Please go troll somewhere else.

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Yeah sure, except for that 1 hour and 57 minute part. What an asshat.

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Not even tea partiers. Being certain while being wrong was considered a strong point for W…

When a lie is told officially, by an authorized official in his official capacity, is it still a lie?

Just think how fast the inmate would have died if he had been made to french-kiss Gov Brewer, with his eyes wide open!

To be fair, there is a context for his focus on the needle placement: the horribly botched execution in Oklahoma was apparently due in large part to a badly placed IV resulting in the drugs being injected into the local tissue. And the “doctor” who performed the procedure in OK was not probably competent. So this statement is addressing the obvious questions that will be asked, given recent history.

Still, if AZ did everything right procedurally, that leaves the drug mixture itself as the culprit - and the source of the drugs, and whether the state is obligated to give that information to the public, has been the subject of legal wrangling in this case (I’m pretty sure) and others.

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Parts went very well, let’s acknowledge that, like when they took the body out, the gurney was taken through a bunch of doorways without hitting the doorframes.


In Reality, This Mr. Charles Ryan, needs to resign or be fired without any compensation whatsoever.
It truly is speculation that the prisoner did not suffer. It begs the question, 'who hired & approved these drugs for excecution.
It only takes the most basic knowledge of Pharmacology to get a pain free lethal dosage. To defend the indefensible seems like the best reason in the world to be shown the door with a boot.

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We “perfectly” brought the correct inmate to the death chamber! (Although we screwed up his name to the press afterwards.)

Officially, yes.

You are a very sick puppy…lol! That really would be cruel and unusual!

“blood-thirsty” is not a good word for this. Part of our problem is a desire to kill people bloodlessly. Shakespeare’s Othello would understand:
Yet I’ll not shed her blood;
Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow,
And smooth as monumental alabaster.
Yet she must die,

It’s just a figure of speech. But it’s still a valid point that those bent on killing want the executions to be as humane as possible…for the witnesses!