Discussion: Primary Race Is Close For Firebrand Rep. Huelskamp's Seat

Discussion for article #226017

So LaPolice is running from the right or left? My understanding of the farm subsidy thing in states like Kansas, it doesn’t split left or right. Are we rooting for the challenger or the incumbent here?

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Firebrand ??? As in burning down the house or the one who got out of state money funneled to him through 3 or 4 shadow companies.
The list goes on and on as do the words to best describe this nut case. Firebrand is not one of them.


As a resident of the state I’d say they’re cut from the same cloth.


Best scenario is for Timmy to win by 2 votes. Then perhaps the Dem, Manhattan Mayor Sherow might have a chance to split the R vote and slip in for one term . Maybe a 30 percent chance


Those results are PATHETIC for an incumbent! Who’s running against him?

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He’s a big a wiener!


All this proves is Kansas voters are still nuts!

I’ll take 7-1 odds.

Doesn’t matter. Huelskamp won.

Is this a family photo ?

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actually, Huelskampf’s a firebrand in the context of a “scorched Earth” agenda…

We were all watching this one closely, this Kansas Neorepublican Party is so far off to the right that it has its own encapsulated little realm out there, with incestuous divisions, dueling loyalty oaths and mixed agendas that rival the entire rest of the political spectrum in its confusing complexity.

The Crazy is just getting crazier in Kansas.

there may be a powerful backlash from the farmers in Kansas, they are the ones who want Tim out more than anyone else, their Republican loytalties don’t reach into self-destruction, and Tim has definitely been destructive to their status quo, and to their bottom line.

If the Republican farmers join the Democrats in this race like it appears the moderate Republicans will against Brownback, there could be a surprise in store out here in The Red Wilderness.

Yes, and he gets a lot of arrogant mileage out of it…