Priebus announces engagement to the former Mrs. Mooch…
Unbelievable. Stockholm Syndrome is the best thing I can say about this. The rest would just be unintelligible cursing.
The people with a morsel of pride were NeverTrumpers from the beginning. There was no other choice. And they’ll be the only GOP figures left with any pride at the end of this debacle.
Now I understand the word “lickspittle”.
I wonder if they have video of Priebus with a goat or something.
Hahaha, what a spineless little coward. No pride or integrity.
More like a goat with Priebus. With Trump and the rest of the bros cheering on the goat.
The Onion is winning this one.
Suck suck, gurgle gurgle, smack smack.
Thank you sir. May I have another.
Pride go-eth before the fall.
It went-eth and he fell-eth.
Look I have no like of the man but he is being professiobal. He is exiting doing his job by parroting the positions, not bad mouthing anyone and making it all seem ok. That is what we used to take for granted.
Don’t worry if you don’t like It, he was the last professional left. The rest will never do this. And btw I wonder if he is singing zipiddy dooda like Boehner on the way out…
He must have gotten a nice severance package. Or he’s just another wimpy trump dignity wraith.
Hey, he still needs to do his primary raison d’etre: raise money for hideous candidates.
‘Actually, I’m glad he beat me with that clothes hanger. And, I asked him to toss all my stuff onto the lawn. I still love him and hope he realizes all of his dreams!’
He’ll become a professional “Kick Me” Sign Maker.
There’s only one thing worse than a sycophant lap dog, and that is a pathetic sycophant lap dog.
So will there be an RV in Priebus’ near future.
Yes! Change the circumstances and he’d sound exactly like the victim of domestic abuse