Discussion: Priebus Gets Testy With Fox Host: 'You Wanna Choose The Worst' Poll Numbers (VIDEO)

Trump poll tightening? Maybe Donald found his magic pill…

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PNWD by the GOP parties bitch Fox News…Ha, even on a Fox poll Trumps losing to Johnson…Hey wait i thought Polls don’t matter…oh, right that was last month…i get it.

Of course he chooses Fox News polling: the base mainlines that bullshit 24/7.

I enjoy the cheery little forced smile on the anchor they were switching to - “Don’t worry, we’re not really arguing. Mommy and daddy are just having a little disagreement.”

Of course, if it had been a Democratic spokesman, there would be an angry scowl on the face, accompanied by a sad shaking of the head.

Someone’s a bit touchy.

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He needs an extra shot of Bailey’s on his cornflakes , on second thought he should skip the cornflakes and get a bottle of Bourbon

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If you go back to 2012, you’ll see that Reince Rink, Secret Chimp, was saying exactly the same thing about the polls and Mitt Romney’s chances.

And it’s that roughly 40% +/- 2% that Trump, to my knowledge, has yet to crack with only two months to go. Good luck with that Rinsed Prius. By all means, deny reality harder. It’ll only make Fox News Election Night Denial 2016 all the more hilarious.

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Guess Reince didn’t see the latest USA Today/Suffolk poll:


While the overall polls are concerning to me in that they are relatively close there seems to bea disconnect that I don’t understand.

We keep hearing that HRC leads Trump by margins that approach Obama’s lead over Romney with Blacks, Hispanics, and Latinos; is doing better than Obama did versus Romney with college educated, with women overall and suburban women. Since Obama won that election by 5 points how can the foregoing be true while at the same time overall polls have Trump within 4 points of Clinton? I find it hard to believe that Obama did so much better with the older white male base than CLinton is doing to make up for all the pluses listed above. Something doesn’t fit.


Prince Rebus wants Faux Noise to unskew the polls. That’s rich. Really rich.

“The latest Fox poll still shows Donald Trump down,” host Melissa Francis told Priebus, noting that the RNC chair had said Trump would “be tied or ahead” by Labor Day. “Are you disappointed with where the campaign is right now?”

“That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

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To paraphrase the late, great Ann Richards, “Poor Wrenched. He can’t help it. He was born with a silver Koch in his mouth.”


I am also old enough to remember 1964… I was a college student and politically active. However, I also remember 1988. It seems this is a more appropriate election cycle and if Dems do not get more vocal and unified behind Sec Clinton we may see the same results. Her unwarranted negatives need to be corrected. The campaign can not allow Trump to define who she is. Also the primary season should have taught us just raising money will not win elections. Where is Sec Clinton? She let’s Trump continue to grab the lead in all news cycles… His name is repeated “hundreds” of times (free) each day in all of the media. I am old enough to remember Johnson’s old adage “I don’t care what you say about me just say my name.” This is particularly true when both candidates share historic negatives.


You just gotta hope Hillary doesn’t snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Their campaign seems complacent and talking about landslides.

Never underestimate the power of hate and fear to sway the American electorate.

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Reince Priebus should enforce the pledge. He is singlehandedly destroying the Republican party and should resign immediately and focus full time on being a Koch sucker like Paul Ryan and Scott Walker.

I loved this quote about Hillary by one of HO’s supporters:

"The one word that really stands out is ‘above the law,’ "

@georgeh: I don’t hear any talk of landslides. I don’t see any signs of complacency. I hear the sound of campaign volunteers getting ramped up (and HO just hired someone to do his national volunteer strategy). I see a campaign that acknowledges that Labor Day is the beginning of the political season for most people, even those who might be sort of aware of the campaigns’ talk. And @denisj: I definitely see them letting HO tie his own noose. She’ll be inside his blather cycle pretty soon and he’ll be flailing away at yesterday’s headlines.

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You clearly haven’t been paying attention.

Hillary’s campaign is neither complacent nor counting on a landslide.


You cannot polish the end of a turd…

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