Discussion: Press-Bashing Lewandowski Could Face Some Awkward Moments At CNN

Some awkward moments? Expect a tsunami of 'em. And that’s without anyone pointing out that his “insight” is basically worthless due to his non-disclosure agreement.

I’m really surprised there haven’t been a lot more of these.

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I realize CNN has been a joke for a long time now but this is a new low for them hiring this weasel.


I don’t for one minute believe Lewandowski was fired.
In fact, I can’t help but wonder if this (him being a paid pundit on TV) was the plan all along.
CNN just basically hired a Trump cheerleader. They want some inside dirt but I seriously doubt they will get it from Lewandowski. This guy’s loyalty is to Trump and that is where it will stay.
And CNN ought to be ashamed of itself. Here is a guy that detests journalists and news organizations. He also assaulted a female reporter. What does he have to offer. CNN seems to be all about ratings and that is it. What a disgusting move on their part hiring him.

On second thought, maybe he and CNN deserve one another.



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I heard today on CNN a news sections that was talking about the Democrats set-in at Congress that the Democrats caved in to the Republican because the ended the set-in before the July 7 return of Congress. Really, it that a News agency that was reporting that the set-in ended in the same sentence categorize the stopping of the set-in that lasted over 24 hours, a caving to the Republicans. The hiring of Lewandowski confirms by opinion of CNN.


W. T. F.!!!


There are so many ethical problems with CNN hiring Lewandowski on the bounce I can’t even begin to name them all. If he wasn’t actually fired then this may be some kind of sweetheart deal to get more Trump coverage from inside the network. If he was actually fired then he’s likely got an ax to grind and will be spouting off completely unreliable bullshit to get back at little Eric or whoever gave him the boot.

CNN - I didn’t think they could go any lower, but they surprised me.

This could be entertaining. Picture Tapper as Edgar Bergan and Lew as Mortimer Snerd sitting on his lap. They could then do an anti Clinton routine (modeled after “whose on first”) to the delight of all right wingers. Send in the clowns.

I found the first transcript:

Lewandowski: Strange as it may seem, they give politicians nowadays very peculiar names.
Tapper: Can you name names?
Lewandowski: No but they’re nicknames, nicknames. Now, on the Dem side you have Lyin’ Hillary, Pocahontas Warren, and … well, there’s bunch of others.
That’s: Talk about those. Tell me the names, the nicknames.
Lewandowski: I’m telling you. Lyin’ Hillary, Pocahontas Warren, and (pause) …
Tapper: Aren’t there other names?
Abbott: Yes.
Tapper: Well, then let’s hear them. Name some?
Lewandowski: Lyin’ Hillary, Pocahontas Warren, and ….
Tapper: I mean another one.
Lewandowski: I can’t.
Tapper: Why?
Lewandowski: I signed a non-disclosure agreement and, frankly, I don’t want to get sued by the most litigious guy to come down the pike since Roy Disney. You understand, right Jake?
Tapper: Of course. My producers got a call from …
Lewandowski: So you know what I mean.
Tapper: Yeah, yeah. We’ll be right back.

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CNN apparently cannot grow and prepare their own journalists. Instead they opt to become pimps hiring mercenaries to do their “journalism”.
They have officially hit bottom and have abdicated any pretense of a news organization.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Peter Alexander later Monday, Lewandowski repeatedly refused to say whether he had signed a nondisclosure agreement.

Not disclosing whether you have a nondisclosure probably means…you have a nondisclosure.

Good job there, Lewandowski. Youre really keeping us guessing.

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He will fit in well with the rest of the know-nothing commentators at CNN.

CNN now has 3 Trumpets on staff. They have no shame. Totally unwatchable.

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Lewandowski, as are most, is probably loyal to MONEY.
The test of time will reveal the validity of your theory.

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This freak hasn’t faced many awkward moments on CNN so far – now that he’s a hired stooge, they’ll be treating him like royalty.

Lewandowski doesn’t embarass easily…

New rule:

No more watching CNN until CNN discloses this. Starting now.

Hey CNN - WTF??

they had four, but Roger Stone went after Ana Navarro…