Discussion for article #242741
MAYBE because PROGressIVES are TOO POOR to ATTEnd because They’re SITTING around wHINING about HAVIng NO MONEY anD Waiting for GOVernment HANDOUTs RATHER THAN PICKING THEMSELVEs UP BY THEir OWN BOOTstraPS aND GETTING ONE OF Those JOBs that OHBUMMer allegedly CREATED by TAxing RICH!1!!1!1one!11!!1
You tell us, Eustace!!
GiVE uS tRUthYNeSS!! OnE!11!1!1!!!
Who thought Iowa would be the best place for this discussion?
Iowans are too busy counting their subsidies from Washington.
The Progressive Agenda Committee said Tuesday that they’re cancelling next month’s income inequality presidential summit in Iowa promoted by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio because of a lack of interest.
“Taxes too high, wages too high,” he later added. “We’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and they have to get into that upper stratum. But we cannot do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”
Wages are too high. But “we have to leave it the way it is”.
So they’re too high. But don’t do anything about it.
This, Friends, is GOTP courage!
Though Iowa might have been a poor choice in regards to locale, the point that should have been hammered in regards to that summit is the following: there were 10+ people on a stage last night. Though their frayed reasoning took a while to get there, that collective made clear that raising the min wage is a mistake.
That Trump statement alone (on the subject) is a clarion call for anyone whos head is in the sand.
Its also billboard material.
Trump’s smiling face and the slogan: working hard will set you free should be on at least a few of them.
All the while, that quote is played on an attached loud speaker.
Sure, except most of Iowa would think that “Arbeit macht frei” is something Evil Obama thought up.
Well that’s because Obama is both a communist and a nazi at the same time while he feebly projects his overwhelming tyranny most weakly in his mom jeans at the same time being a rampaging dictator ramming it down our throats.
Makes perfect sense.
And an affirmative action idiot who is also a brilliant mastermind of evil don’t forget.
Trump wants a USA that looks like China, the country where his third wife and and oldest daughter have their clothing and jewelry lines manufactured. And his punkass hat too.
He’s going to be exercising his Commander In Chiefness when he moves prisoners out Guantanamo unilaterally and probably sooner than later, and there will not be enough fire extinguishers in the world to put out the inflamed R heads.
But … but … but, my BOOTs have no straPS! What’s a poor wHINING, HANDOUT-waiting PROGressIVE to do??
Don’t forget his Macy’s ties are made in China, too!
The idea of the Mayor of New York coming to Iowa to host a ‘summit’ is completely harebrained. Of course it failed.
No one in Iowa, of either party, needs or wants the Mayor of New York to tell them anything.
Did any candidate RSVP? The “lack of interest” that canceled this income inequality summit was that of non-responding candidates, not the ordinary people who would become the audience.