Discussion: President Of The United States Complains About Saturday Night Live, Again

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I get the feeling that Trump knows about bad news which is about to come out, regarding the Russia investigation.
His panic level is off the charts. I don’t think I’ve seen worse.


After the stupidity, hatemongering, and general boorishness, the one thing I find absolutely intolerable about him is the whining. It never ceases. It’s just on and on and on, one constant whine rolling into another. It’s simply unfathomable to me that adults can look at or listen to this man and see a strong leader. He’s quite possibly one of the weakest human beings I’ve ever witnessed.


Comedy gold. If you weren’t such a ridiculous caricature of an actual president perhaps there wouldn’t be such an outpouring of ridicule. And where did you pull that 52% approval rating from (not really sure I want to know).


I dunno, this sounds normal for him. He wants the Federal Election Commission to look into this? Are they to be the arbiters in what we can and cannot watch?

"Without so much as a mention of ‘the other side?’. Sounds like somebody wants a Fairness Doctrine! Hahahahahahaha…


If you act like comedic fodder, you’re gonna be comedic fodder.


Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Shows……

Like taking away the visas of members of the ICC if anyone dares to investigate any American on counts of war crimes? Free from any responsibility for your actions? Like a veto against the will of Congress and the American people? Like an executive order to get what you can’t get from Congress? No consequences like that?

OMFG! For such a stable genius, you are such a brittle man.

…without so much of a mention of “the other side.”

“…the other side,” as in prison? Don’t worry. That’s coming.


That’s because you’re not easily fooled. Lots of people are, though. If you say “I’m a strong leader” and walk around frowning, those people say “Hey, I never noticed it before but that orange-faced guy is a strong leader.” :smile:

What gets me is that he’s also smearing McCain this morning, seven months after he was laid in his grave. Talking about graduating last in his class and so forth. You rarely see such despicable behavior in any human being, much less publicly from a prominent person. It tells you the level of mental illness.


lol, no kidding. 'Rump whines about…(stop me if you’ve heard this before).


Bears re-posting…

It places in a better focus the actual divide among people. Josh had said (pre-2016 election) that Trump’s appeal was for revenge and satisfying resentment.

This is borne out by the dis-interest of his supporters to actual danger (dismantling NATO, for example) and disastrous domestic decisions (costly–to Trump supporters–tariffs).

Trump’s sneering, childish ways seem to satisfy those who–if they could–would act like Trump to a whole list of their pet peeves and bugaboos.

To his minions, Trump not only says, “I understand you” he also says “I am you”…


He must be a glutton for punishment as well - last night’s show was a rerun.


true, and the mental illness diagnosis applies to his hardcore supporters as well (mental illness or flat out evil).


Love the headline.


trump is such a cowardly fuck (and I say that about the man, not the office). Such a baby whiner. It’s annoying and disturbing.


…and embarrassing as fuck that this man-child is the face of the USA to the rest of the world! :rage:


Wait a minute–Jimmy Kimmel is colluding with Russia? OMG we say he’s going off the rails every three days but damn, that’s pretty bad.


Khyber has a take on Seth Abramson’s analysis of the Trump-Russia probe (I believe that it appears on the “Trump Urges GOP to Play Along…” story’s comment section in the upper 200s).

Trump’s exposure is catastrophic.

Only our system of laws (especially The Presumption of Innocence) and the Office of the Presidency keep Trump from an 8X8 cell.


Trump warned all of us we’d get tired of the whining…


I would dispute trump’s pollnumbers he quotes. They’re a tad inflated. He has never broken the 50% marker his entire term

Actual approval average for last Thursday is 40%


I wonder how long his cellmate is going to last? Either he finds a way to sneak a belt into the cell or reads Art of the Deal and becomes a True Believer. Jeez, bumming myself out.