…And heads explode…it ‘must’ be SHARIA LAW!!!
See, we knew Obama was a mooslim all along.
Yet another reason to love this President.
How soon until Hillary’s opponent’s head explodes?
What happens when GOP’ers in the Senate deny him a hearing because of his religion? Do they get to call themselves “constitutionalists” any more?
Grammar Police! The “first-ever Muslim” was Mohammed. I don’t think he’s been nominated.
Don’t vacuums IMplode?
“How soon until Hillary’s opponent’s head explodes?”
Just before he unleashes those oh-so-short fingers on his Twatter machine.
What a delicious piece of incitement from the President, who has full deniability of any ill-intention, and earns points with the Muslim community. See, Donnie, this is what happens when you fuck with the big kids.
Hmmm. No photo on the bio…
Donnie Drumpf twitter storm commences in 3, 2, 1
That’s it. I’m getting an Obama tatoo.
What’s the big deal. We have Muslim-American prosecutors all over the country and they’ve been doing a great job for many years. Don’t get transfixed by Trump’s divisive rhetoric. We’re a great country because we’re all inclusive. And we’ll cease to be great if we let the hotheads divide us.
I think Obama is just baiting Trump.
It will probably work…
The 2016 Barry F.U. Tour continues.
Barry, bring the fire, embrace the lightening.
Wait, we’ve never had a federal judge who was a Muslim? Seriously? This fact alone is astonishing to me.
Damn…we’re going to be able to build a Wall solely on the basis of how many bricks the conservatives shit over this nomination.
Good point!