Discussion: President-Elect Trump To Give First Interview To '60 Minutes'

Competing with NFL? RiGgeD!


No honeymoon. Fuck him. Mercilessly mock him for any flip flops.


I think the Hawks are playing the Pats at that time…so…no thanks.


Let us not forget what CBS Chairman Les Moonves said:

“It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS,” he said of the presidential race.


The 2016 campaign is a “circus,” he remarked, but “Donald’s place in this election is a good thing.”


It will be tremendous. Huge ratings. In depth interview of a shallow mind means filling up 60 minutes with about 30 seconds of near-substance.


Good point. Also mock 60Minutes for any softballs.


Interesting that the interview is with CBS. Guess that person is fucking over Fox the way Putin is fucking over him.


Remember back when America had rotary telephones?

And Pong? And 8-Track? And carburetors?

And we had this thing called “investigative journalism”?

I miss those things.


If he’s lucky, Baron will be sent to boarding school. I actually feel very sorry for him. Boarding school would be best.

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I suspect (if I can force myself to watch it) that I will feel even more demoralized after that interview. Trump isn’t capable of participating in a conversation that has any substance or clarity or consistent policies. Even today at the White House, he was largely grinning as he turned his head to see how many people were watching him.


The FCC permits images of fellatio on broadcast television now?!

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As long as we have lawn mowers, carburetors aren’t going anywhere soon.


The nation needs to see and reckon with the mistake they just made. Free media time is over. I want to hear questions on the wall, the Muslim ban, the alt-right, mass deportations, all of it.


In DC? Kid wouldn’t last 2 minutes.

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I’m with you. We need to see (and weep for) the choice the voters made. I pray the media steps up and does the job they didn’t do during the campaign.

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They’ll have to go Clockwork Orange on my eyeballs to get me to watch this. Or, for that matter, to watch any more “news” [sic] on American television. I’m out.

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The media will broadcast whatever their marketing department deems having the most ratings potential. If that means 24/7 of Corey Lewandowski and Kayleigh McEnany screaming at various of their panelists and projectile vomiting into their coffee cups that’ll be what’s televised. Trump’s plans for finessing Russia’s latest aggression in Crimea will be irrelevant.

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At age 70, Donald is appearng on 60 Minutes to appeal to his elders.

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Social Security gone

Medicare gone

Immigrants gone

hope gone