Discussion: Porter Joins Cohn, Pushes Back On Claim Materials 'Stolen' From Trump's Desk

Gee, if I ever get arrested for a major crime and forced to go to trial, I certainly hope I can have a wife-beater like Rob Porter testify on my behalf. It would make such a positive impression on the jury.


Has anyone who is in or was in the Trump administration ever read anything except for the instructions on a tube of Preparation H?

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Missing from this back and forth is testimony from Lavrov and Kislyak on the subject of Oval Office document lifting .


Tapes, and a propensity for honest reportage.

Not to mention actual credibility, which I don’t apply much to people like Rob Porter (or @MaggieNYT, who promotes their side of things way too easily). Credibility is something sorely lacking in the Trump mis-Admin, pretty much top to bottom. Either they’re lying because the boss tells them to, or just to cover their own asses. Woodward already said as much in his sit down with Stephen Colbert.

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“Anonymous” is hiding in plain sight in the WH. We may never learn who he is or how many he’s speaking on behalf of, but Mark Deep Throat Felt denied he was it for 30 years.


She’s a reporter, not a partisan and three words prefacing Cohn’s non-denial denial don’t make her one.

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I assume you’re a fan, and that’s fine… I agree with your statement, and I also think that some of her writing is pretty good. I’m referencing a record and history re: Trump & Co. that goes far beyond this one tweet… I think she’s too close, and it affects her perspective.

That is just my opinion. But I really don’t trust her reporting when it comes to anything to do with Trump. (My criticism is very context based in this case. I probably didn’t make that clear enough.)

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She’s the go to punching bag when Susan Collins isn’t in that day’s reporting here even when she shares a byline with another reporter.

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I have not read the book, but I listened to part of an interview with Woodward with Terri Gross. Did Woodward use the word “stole”? I suspect that what we are seeing is an effort at symantical tap dancing.

You say “stole”.

I say “removed for further review before submission to the President”.

It’s kind of like, you saying “lying heap of human excrement”

and me saying “master story teller”.


Well, I don’t do punching bags… And I’m not broadly and generally criticizing her. I read the NYT regularly, and have seen a tendency on her part to lean ever so slightly in favor when reporting on Trump… it reminds me too much of what happened in the NYT reporting leading up to the Iraq War. Something a little bit fishy, something ‘off’. I don’t trust her in that context. She can be great otherwise. Just my own view… not foisting it on anyone!

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Lordy, they know there are tapes…


Define “read the book” does that include more than just the title? If so then more than just the jacket? How many pages? All of it? The odds decrease exponentially with each “affirmative answer” and run on a scale of maybe to no chance in hell.

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Slightly O/T but…

So… why isn’t she one, then? In this modern world, Bob, books are allowed to have two authors.

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Too bad nobody couldn’t leave him, say, a $20 minimum wage order for all federal employees, contractors’ employees and Mar-a-Lago waitresses. Just to see what happens.

First off…Maggie Haberman is a ball-licking whore, an absolute Village Heather

I digress.

Woodward is in possession of at least one of the letters, you dumb schmucks. We don’t even have to take his word for it.