Discussion: Pope Calls On World To Address Killing Of Christians

Discussion for article #235049

It took nearly 500 years, over 1 million people kidnapped, over 400 battles initiated by attacking Muslim Jihadis before a Pope called on Christians to respond back in the 11th century. Isis is still in its first full year. I’m glad they aren’t waiting as long this time around.

And Christians discriminate against other people , especially LGBT .

I’m missing substantiation on this whole whoopie cushion. I want some FACTS … some irrefutable, proof-positive, twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin’ what each one is (sic) - thank you, AG - DNA-tested, Fact-Checked, Certifiably Platinum true incidents in this country that are physical discrimination against christians. I mean, ALL of them, not just the loudmouths.

Not this whining, crying victimization slobber f0x lobs over the fence every five minutes. Where are the stormings of churches and bombings of parishioners houses and cars? When did a lifeguard “refuse service” to one that was drowning? If I decline an invitation to a BBQ to meet-and-greet a pack of jeebus freaks, is that discriminatory? No, I don’t want to be there. Period.

Show me the protest(er)s. Show me the “after” pictures. Let me see the nooses and victims. Let me see the signs. It may happen locally in a small way. I want evidence that this isn’t some phony cloudburst. It’s sickening.

How about just killing the bigoted Christiansts? That be OK?

Until the United States destroyed the secularist government in Iraq and is currently complicit in the on-going destruction of the secularist government in Syria, such attacks against Christian communitys in the Middle East did not occur.


“…who are persecuted, exiled, slain, beheaded, solely for being {FILL IN THE BLANK}”

It isn’t right by anyone anywhere for any reason.