Discussion: Pompeo: U.S. Has 'Just Humanitarian Aide,' Not Military Supplies, At Venezuelan Border

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so you are all pushing for democracy in Venezuela and dismantling it here at home.
what is up with that???


“How do we know we know this is just humanitarian aid?” Tapper asked, giving voice to skeptics of the effort.

“It’s just humanitarian aid,” Pompeo responded. “Look at the videos. It was USAID marked.”



I guess there are always the cowboy types who want to do crazy stuff but if I were asked to do some sort of covert operation for this president I’d try to beg off. You don’t want to be left holding the bag when it all goes wrong. At least that’s how I’d look at it.


The well established problem with any claim or declaration by anyone associated with this president, is that they all lie pretty much non-stop. It could be true, but is just as likely not. Nothing can be taken at face value, because “fool me once” and “fool me for the 50th time this month.”

“Look at the videos. It was USAID marked.”

Sorry. Just because you put a label on a box, that doesn’t prove that the label matches the contents. This whole administration has a huge credibility problem.


Trump: Why this free food for all Venezuelans? If we had a Wall, we would save on the free food.


Asked specifically about potential military force, Pompeo told Chris Wallace in a separate interview on “Fox News Sunday”: “We’ve said every option is on the table, we’re going to do the things that need to be done to make sure that the Venezuelan peoples’ voice — that Democracy reigns, and that there’s a brighter future for the people of Venezuela.”


“We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn’t be involved with,”


I had a bet with my cousin that he’d send troops to VZ on Wednesday, the day of Cohen’s House testimony. Now I realize he’ll be in Hanoi, so it’ll probably have to wait.


As Mattis and Kelly learned the hard way, it was evidently hard for them to see the difference tween Trump and the presidency. Though some do (George Conway), when the president calls on them, they usually say yes, cause its ‘Americuh’.


This is why I have trouble sleeping nights.


almost forgot

Fun fact time:

The War of the Americas was also described as an event in the Greg Berlanti television series Jack & Bobby, where it happened sometime between 2004 and 2049 and reached United States shores.

#yourewelcome #noneedtothankme


No they are pushing for a US client state, who’s resources they can rob and people they can subjugate, while dismantling Democracy here at home.


It doesn’t matter. If supplying “humanitarian aid” is done principally for political purposes, resentment and possibly violence will almost certainly follow and lead to undesired outcomes.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was some world-wide organization comprised of the world’s nations that could carry out this function free of political hubris?

ETA. What is about Pompeo that makes me want to crawl through the display of my iPad (a la Samara in “The Ring”), then grab him by the neck and kick him repeatedly in the balls until my patella subluxates?


According to Mccabe, Trump wanted to invade and steal Venezuela’s oil long before the current humanitarian crisis began.

It’s hard to believe Pompeo not just because this Administration has no credibility (they don’t even trust each other), but also because there’s not a humanitarian bone in their collective bodies. It’s 24/7 rape and pillage with these monsters.


“It’s just humanitarian aid,” Pompeo responded. “Look at the videos. It was USAID marked.”

Wow… that’s believable, not.


The thing I don’t get about Venezuela is, who snuck this one past Donald? It’s the first time he’s gone against Vladi…


It’s because of the “Schmoe Doctrine”.


Something’s fishy about it. Really feel like Pompeo or Mustache snuck this one under the radar, maybe forgot to mention that Maduro was one of Vladi’s buddies.


Is this an anti-socialism campaign?
What happened to “We don’t need to be the World’s police force”?
What happened to Trump’s non-intervention policy?
Have Jr. and Eric scouted out a place for a new Trump Tower or golf course?
Why are these brown people deserving of help but not those from Central America that came all that way for help?


How many more DECADES will we allow these Neocon war criminals to fuck over other nations in our name while worsening things here at home. This is why the Dems must hold these men fully accountable for crimes against US and international law, there is no higher calling. They must be buried so deep in prison or at the very least in public shame that they can never come close to the levers of power again. I really believe this should be a plank of the Democratic Party. Put that bipartisanship media trap in the garbage where it belongs and be honest about what we are facing in the GOP. There is a reason that the cultural narrative of the Dem party as weak has taken hold in the collective subconscious for as long I can remember (aside from our long lost aversion to war). We can care about people and govern with empathy, but when it comes time to show strength against corrupt power we need to be the leaders in excising it from the body politic.