When will Pompeo and other members of Trump’s cabal be:
Why would Pompeo run for the Senate in 2020? He knows it’ll be a massive blue wave that could even reach Kansas.
I’m confused. Are we transitioning to the stage of the story where Yertle the Turtle lifted his hand, and Yertle the Turtle gave a command, because if Pompeo is the belch that crashes the king of the sky to the king of the mud then I think we all owe him a round of drinks.
From your keyboard to doG’s monitor!
You had me at
Dashes McConnell’s Dreams
With Pompeo out there is a good chance KKKris Kobach could step into the primary. He could win the nomination just as he did in the governors primary. Never under-estimate the capacity of Kansans to elect horrible people.
This could also mean he sees his current job as being longer term than we would like to accept.
Paging Kathleen Sebelius.
Fat chance. He’s gonna make some serious Benjamins representing the Saudis on the world stage as a goodwill ambassador.
Along with Sam Brownback?
Someone on teevee yesterday said there was a rumor that Pompeo was being considered for the next SecDef.
Those chairs on the Titanic sure are getting a workout.
The GOP should not be concerned–Kansas is fully capable of finding a candidate who is as repugnant as Mike Pompeo.
And while Sean Spicer’s busy preparing the big reveal of what’s on Mike Pompeo’s playlist, Pompeo goes on the Today show to break this news. LOL!!
Must be hard to cash-in in Kansas. At this point, Kansas needs to find a good progressive that knows how to do the ‘moderate’ Democratic dance. Kansas’s Koch Brother territory sure seems a lot like shark infested waters these days.
Mike Pompeo is the new Mick Mulvaney of this maladministration. All seats are easily interchangeable.
Why would I go rushing around to county fairs and have to press the flesh with the rubes when I can make big bucks by walking into a job without have to think about “The American People” - whoever the hell they are.
I think you mean Vesuvius.
So Brownback was good for something?
Hard to believe you passed on that Kansas’ guy’s shirt.