Discussion: Poll Shows Trump Is By Far The Least Favorable GOPer Among Hispanics

Consider that the vast majority of the other candidates have expressed at least some support for Trump’s plans, and that even the “moderate” position is to make them second class citizens that can be taxed, but cannot vote.

Yeah, that’s not what I would call pushback.

Some while ago Walker was confronted by two children of undocumented immigrants, and one of them asked something along the lines of “so you want me to like come home from school and find my dad has been deported??”. To which Walker responded basically “Yeah, that sucks. But nobody is above the law”.

Those kids will NEVER vote republican their entire lives.

they have the same defective gene that dr. carson, bobby jindal and red necks have that enables them to listen to the republican bs and think they will soar under their stupid policies.

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That’s only because there’s a language barrier. Once those darned Mexicans learn the Mexican that Trump is trying to speak to them, rest assured, all will be well.


And this is why the people who are chomping at the bit waiting for Trump to get the nomination are playing a dangerous game indeed. Chances are, if that idiot is on the ballot, we will have a Democratic president in 2017. But, there is a slim chance that something will happen or be made to happen that allows him to win. Increasing the likelihood that the Democratic nominee will win by few percentage points by accepting a not-insignificant risk that a certifiable and dangerous idiot takes the Presidency is not a good trade.

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A few possibilities.

First, there are always non-honest survey responses. Someone actively wanting to skew results says they are hispanic instead of white, etc.

Second, not all people who are hispanic or who consider themselves as such identify with immigrants nor understand the perverse racial harassment that Trump incites. I mean, in one very real sense most of us here are descended from immigrants, yet we don’t all cry bloody murder when politicians call for immigration controls. Often, the realities of circumstance trump (no pun intended) distant ancestral identification.

Add in the “I did things the Right Way; no one should be able to cheat their way in” group that resents their hispanic compatriots. People who feel they did something on their own (even if they are completely wrong in feeling that way) tend to resent anyone depicted as trying to take unfair advantage to gain the same benefits.

Then there are the “I got mine” or more likely justified as “immigrants used to be great, but immigrants today are no-good slackers” crowd.

Fifth, people are not always careful in their survey responses. You have the guy on the phone thinking about what an idiot he was for answering the phone rather than answering the questions; you have the person who hears “Trump” but thinks “JEB”; etc. Surveys have a margin of error which is higher than the base statistical sampling margin of error, always.

Finally, there are people who really do think Trump is great because someone they know has said the same, but have no idea what he actually stands for or has said.

Between all these groups, it is definitely plausible that 14% of a population would answer “favorable” to Trump’s name alongside the list of other names in the race. I think really you need to look at “what kind of a Hispanic would call themselves a Republican these days” first to understand that you are already pulling from a largely non-hispanic-identifiction-driven and frankly not-overly-intellectual group to begin with, and just 14% of those seems like a pretty easy quota to reach.


His goal is to eventually alienate every possible voting block except himself.

I know some middle aged half white, half Indians that are not very favorable of Trump.
I know one extremely well.

The rest of the Republican/GOPers are just totally despised by Latinos and every other minority really. Trump gets a special, wonderful/beautiful kind of hate from the everyone but teabaggers categories.

Jeb is their only hope because he is bilingual but he is also bistupid, so that chance is very thin at best. Anorexic in fact.

“risk that a certifiable and dangerous idiot takes the Presidency”

Been there done that … several times. He cannot be worse that the rest of the GOP mule team (past or present). Besides, it would be a hilarious romp until the missiles put a CLASSY end to this whole shebang.

Seriously, he has to be playing a role and playing it to perfection as well. He is NOT going to be president. He may not even make the GOP nomination … seems that the any-body-but-X movement has not started yet but it always seems to emerge in every primary. If by some outlandish twist of fate or chicanery he IS President I would prefer him to ANY other GOP candidate.