Well, if she doesn’t manage to squeak out a win with McConnell, perhaps she can run again when Rand Paul comes up in a few years. I’m not familiar with KY internal politics, but he’s such an incoherent wingnut it should be a slam dunk for her.
Cantor is out. It would be excellent if the Terrapin were to be unemployed as well. Lotta pop corn this fall I expect.
Sound like she has a real chance…If you agree, let me know and I’ll make a donation to her campaign.
Pollution now! Pollution forever!
Garconde Pisse is correct. This is a Republican pollster with a decided bias–margin is probably 5 or 6.
Now I can’t get that McTurtle imagine out of my head. Thanks.
She’s gonna need lots and lots and lots of money to fight back against Mitch’s very rich and vicious campaign machine. Contribute if you care!
Of course Grimes is leading. This has been the polling results for months. Now McConnell has angered Elizabeth Warren for blocking her student debt relief bill and she is visiting Kentucky to campaign for Alison.
Nothing McConnell does is right, which is fine with me. I hope,Elizabeth rips him tp pieces when she visits the Bluegrass stare
The only future for coal is to figure out something else to do with it other than burning it. Won’t be too much longer before solar electricity is cheap as coal and figure in the pollution, solar wins.
What a sad reason not to support her. McConnell is the KING of the filibuster - he just filibustered the student loan bill and he filibustered the VA spending bill before the faux outrage. Anything that get’s McConnell out of Washington and prevents a republican takeover of the Senate is a good thing. She doesn’t support eliminating coal or cleaning it up - yet. So what?
Elizabeth Warren is on the way!!!
Grimes may not be the most liberal of Democrats and coal is big in Kentucky but gaining that seat and vote is very important to the Democrats.
Please read carefully. I never said I didn’t support her. I don’t live in KY but I sent money to her campaign. And note, my first comment assumed she would win. I was bemoaning her caucusing with the coalsters once in office. Sheesh.
One can hope. I live across a river from a coal burning plant. We don’t even get our power from there but we breathe its nasty air.
Not helpful? To beat the sitting Senate minority leader is not helpful?..I respectfully disagree.
Milt Shook at pleasecutthecrap.com explains it as we’ll have Democrats who will vote 80% of the time with a Democratic agenda, as opposed to a Republican that will vote with Democrats almost 0% of the time.
I want Mitch McConnell gone, and I don’t care what Alison has to do in order to beat him. McConnell needs to pay for saying he wanted Obama to be a one term President, not to mention that to beat the Senate MINORITY Leader would be fantastic. This is where the whole “politics is local” saying comes into play. We need conservative Dems to take the House and lessen the strength of the filibuster in the Senate. I’m for getting POTUS Obama a Congress that he can work with his final two years, and pissing and moaning about a few conservative positions Democrats in red states take isn’t worth it. Get off of Grimes siding with coal and help get her elected.
Well, glad to see this result from this poll, which is clearly biased against coal pollution controls. For example, this question: “Which
is more important to you, President Obama focusing his time and attention on creating a new regulation for power plants to combat climate change or focusing his attention on creating jobs and growing our economy?” As if he could only do one or the other, and that regulation for power plants is the end in itself!
“…Grimes leading…”
Time to pull out the big ad.
“Hi. I’m not a witch. I’m not Eric Cantor either. And I’m certainly not Mitch McConnell.”
Mitch better start pressing the flesh real soon.
As good as it gets (and a 2fer). Getting out in front:
“Grimes has distanced herself from the President on coal and released a statement promising to “fiercely oppose” those new carbon emission regulations. She has also made a point of criticizing McConnell for not doing enough to protect Kentucky coal jobs.”
She has a slim lead pffttt big deal. Cantor was up 34 points.
-Karl “The Math” Rove